I'll admit to expressing some very strong anti-Hillary sentiments during the primaries, but she moved on and so have I. When the dust finally settled, she supported Obama and did so graciously.
President Elect Obama combined a variety of interests in naming Hillary SOS.
Call it a unification of quarterbacks on the same team. But in this case, Obama is the quarterback
and coach. This also assures us that Hillary will not be out there as a potential alternative voice; President Obama's agenda will be THE AGENDA for the party. I know some folks don't trust her motives, but she is working for our president. There is no ambiguity there.
If it were not for their history, or the knock-down-drag out close primary battle we had, it may be Hillary Clinton would not ever be the SOS. Yet bringing the party under one roof is worth it. I'm confident she will do a great job and given how damn angry I was with her and Bill (per their tactics in the heat of battle); some how, I managed to move on and let go.
Continued anger at her is also reflected at the man that chose her. I simply suggest giving it some time before assuming the worst, you may be surprised. Barack Obama needs every ounce of good will as he begins to clean up the HUGE mess left behind by the criminal regime.
I have moved beyond my *intense* Hillary anger and am fully willing to giver her the benefit of doubt - and really believe this was a wise choice.
peace~ :)