to ask that all who accpet a job do all aspects of it? none of this was a mystery when this person took the job, but then he tries to warp it to his definition and then when he cannot perform the job he asked for and is terminated he sues?
Relate: Job martyrs demean their religionA solicitor and former church elder will today start proceedings against the Bristol branch of the relationship-counselling charity Relate for unfair dismissal. Gary McFarlane, who I think I'm entitled to assume is a devout Christian, is claiming that he was unfairly sacked for allegedly refusing to work with same-sex couples and that Relate discriminated against him on grounds of his religious beliefs.
But we can ask whether people of faith are entitled to demand that their beliefs are taken into account in the execution of their professional duties. For a start, it is an entirely different thing for me to be discriminated against at work for being a Christian from insisting that my Christian beliefs are accommodated in my working life.
Visit Relate's website, examine its manifesto, and nowhere will you find the faintest inkling of a traditionalist Christian approach to sexuality and coupling. Gone is the old vocabulary of post-war "marriage guidance". In fact, you have to search hard to find any mention of marriage; I eventually found the word in a case history, where it was necessary for the narrative.
Relate is evidently a secular organisation. As such, it reflects a secular approach to sexuality – it is as hard to find any mention of same-sex partnerships in its material as it is any reference to marriage. It is assumed that now that civil partnerships are enshrined in legislation, same-sex partnerships are simply part of the British social landscape.