Late on Monday, the administration proposed legislation to reduce gasoline use by 20 percent over the next 10 years, mainly through the use of hybrids and alternative fuels like ethanol, ethanol/gasoline blends and biodiesel. we give credit where credit is due? To me this is a step in the right direction.
I'm deeply troubled by the environmental issues of our time. I'm not totally on the global warming bandwagon. But cleaner air, water and preservation of our national forests and lands are major concerns of mine. I volunteer from time to time to go up and down local streets to pick up trash and such. So I consider myself to be a tree hugger by any definition and proudly so.
I live in Colorado Springs,CO. When I moved here the skies were so amazing. So blue it defied description with clear crystal white clouds. It was common to see people standing on the street just staring at the sky. You knew what they were thinking. Magnificent.
But that's changed. The skies are hazy and sometimes brown. In the last 7 years so many people have moved here they are changing the environment. My beloved Colorado skies are gone.
Shouldn't we be supporting the administration on this subject and asking our reps to build on it? To go farther? Action is what we need, not hype.
We should demand that our presidential candidates for '08 pick up this subject and continue in this direction. We need action! I don't want to hear how much you sympathize with me, show me a plan to improve the situation and put it into law! Let's do something, enough with the frigg'n speeches! :mad:
Lets clean up our water! Clean up our air! Clean up our lands!
I'd love to see local governments put serious penalties for throwing cigarette buts out of car windows too. But that's just me. :grr: