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TANCREDO really REALLY wants Gonzo out-- OUT as in departed / DEPORTED, something like that!!1

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 04:04 PM
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TANCREDO really REALLY wants Gonzo out-- OUT as in departed / DEPORTED, something like that!!1
Edited on Tue Mar-20-07 04:09 PM by UTUSN
Yaas, he of the the iron wall at the Sourthern border was on with the Formerly Bowtied One and affirmed that he is,indeed, in favor of Beto's being kaputted, from his job, that is. Although the twinkle in his eye glommed how kewl it would be if he could personally kick Beto's ass across the Rio Grande.

He said that it's because of "everything that has been happening--well, over the past year and a half, anyway." The attorneys? Well, O.K., but his predictable slant was because of IMMIGRATION. That Beto has single-handedly not enforced such laws ON THE BOOKS regarding federal prohibition that local communities or states not declare themselves sanctuaries, that they refuse to provide ICE with info regarding immigrants.

Also, that Beto has "used the DOJ resources" AGAINST the border-control sector, like sending resources INTO Mexico to find the drug smugglers to use as witnesses AGAINST the two border patrol agents who killed and covered up. (TANCREDO left out the last four words.)

Also, that Beto has not enforced something regarding criminal immigrants whose home country refuses to accept them back via U.S. deportation. TANCREDO said that China and Iraq are among 20 such countries.

Pressed about Beto's specific role in this, TANCREDO said it might well be that Beto is carrying out his master/Shrub's own policies and wishes, that Condo RICE was in front of TANCREDO and responded that "Iraq has its own problems right now."

So it's fine to get rid of the houseboy, but not of the Master. Clear?
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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 04:18 PM
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1. I figured he'd do this. Gonzo hasn't inforced the border laws...
But it would be nice if TANCREDO would admit that the US Chamber of Commerce is the one calling for a borderless world. Until the bidness bastards get called on the carpet.. Adam Smith part one and two will keep moving forward.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 05:09 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. TANCREDO is ONE with the Minutemen
All the others calling for GONZALES's scalp did so for any of the many reasons. He is the (only?) one hooking into the immigration issue, or *I* haven't heard others use this.

There are many reasons for GONZALES's scalp:

* He is (and always was) in over his head. But as with other Rethugs, these thugs/crooks/houseboys are the PERFECT EMBODIMENT of the Shrub mal-administration.

* Not just partisan politics, but he was carrying out KKKarl's ELECTORAL strategies.

* Gonzo's incompetence is tricky for the Rethugs. As with all of their minority puppets, they never liked or wanted them in their racist party. The houseboys are in it for themselves as opposed to their home group's or America's in general best interests. When the houseboy SITS WITHOUT PARTICIPATING in meetings like Gonzo, or in court like Clarence, the Rethugs are too exposed in their cravenness and dearly wish they could get him out of their hair. And the red meat TANCREDOs are the first to HOWL!!!1
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 04:19 PM
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2. huh?
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