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This kind of upsets me. Obama cut a commercial for nominal dem [House] candidate Paul Carmouche

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FLAprogressive Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:06 PM
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This kind of upsets me. Obama cut a commercial for nominal dem [House] candidate Paul Carmouche
Edited on Tue Dec-02-08 09:06 PM by Double_Talk_Express

....but couldn't cut a commercial for Senate candidate Jim Martin, whose seat is about 1,000 times more important. Not sure what Obama could have done but something would have helped. And why cut a commercial for a relatively unimportant House race ... for a nominal reactionary Democrat who will be of little help to Obama's agenda anyway?

.... But how important is this election if Obama is doing approximately the same thing for Jim Martin as he did for a backward, reactionary asshole, Paul Carmouche, running as a Democrat in Louisiana's 4th CD in an election this coming Saturday. Carmouche-- like Don Cazayoux, who was one of only 4 Democrats defeated last month (and unlike Jim Martin) is unlikely to support much of what Obama tried to do to change the direction of the country-- now has a radio ad from Obama, which is expected to appeal to progressives and African-Americans, two groups that have no logical reason to support Carmouche.


progressive voters abandoned Cazayoux-- basically cut from the same vile mold as Carmouche-- to throw his seat to a Republican. They had given him a chance and elected him but once he got into Congress he abandoned all pretense of serving working families and threw his lot in with the Republicans. On substantive matters that divided the two parties in the House, Cazayoux voted with the GOP far more frequently than with his fellow Democrats. And the voters back in Baton Rouge noticed and voted for a third party candidate. The only Democrats who voted more frequently with the Republicans than Cazayoux were Nick Lampson (TX), who was also defeated last month, Jim Marshall (GA) and Joe Donnelly (IN). African-Americans in LA-04 don't appear inclined to vote for Carmouche, which is why the DCCC implored Obama to cut the radio spot. Of all the people who took part in early voting, only 19% were African Americans, who make up almost a third of registered voters in the district. Paul Carmouche deserves to lose. Jim Martin doesn't.

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SemiCharmedQuark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:12 PM
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1. Obama did do an ad for Jim Martin.
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-02-08 09:27 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. bummer...
that puts the kabosh on a perfectly good trash Obama post.
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