Has anybody heard of "compassionate conservatism" lately?!1 What about that "philosopher Jesus"?!1 By the bye, remember when President CLINTON was seen attending services every week? Has anybody seen Shrub in any cult gathering regularly---I mean, even IRregularly, or AT ALL?!1
http://www.nypost.com/seven/12032008/gossip/pagesix/oy_tannenbaum_141917.htmOY TANNENBAUM
AS if President(sic) Bush doesn't have enough gaffes to atone for, he had to send out an apology to Jewish leaders this week. As The Post first reported, prominent Jews were aghast when invites they received to the official White House Hanukkah reception had a Christmas tree and Christmas wreaths on it. It prompted Brooklyn Jewish community leader Isaac Abraham to crack, "It's obvious . . . the Christmas tree is being taken out of the White House and the menorah is being brought in the back." New invites went out yesterday with a menorah on them and a note saying, "Please accept our apologies as the invitation you previously received had the incorrect artwork on it."