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Auditors fault Treasury policing of bailout funds......

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Doughboy71 Donating Member (125 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-08 12:12 PM
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Auditors fault Treasury policing of bailout funds......
WASHINGTON - Lawmakers want the Treasury to do a better job of insisting that banking institutions sharing in the $700 billion bailout comply with limits Congress imposed on executive salaries and use the money for its intended purposes.

In the first comprehensive review of the rescue package, the Government Accountability Office said Tuesday that the Treasury Department has no mechanisms to ensure that banking institutions limit their top executives' pay and comply with other restrictions.">Full Article Here

Wasn't someone suppose to be watching hose Paulson and Bernake were spending that $700 billion Congress and the American public gave thme to fix the economy? I don't think you can place blame on George W. anymore, he is sitting in the Oval Office dreaming of January 21st, 2009.
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