Of course it's always nice to win as many seats as possible, but I say that shame needs to be cast upon our democratic leaders for continuing to leave the threshold of competence so low in D.C. I say that, because I have witnessed many an administration in my lifetime, administrations where we had REAL democratic leaders in both the house and the senate. It didn't matter whether we were the majority or minority party. We had leaders that knew how to utilize the art of politics to get things done. Keep in mind that only once in our history have we had a filibuster proof senate.
Today's crop of leaders have placed all importance of getting any meaningful legislation passed on the premise of having a filibuster proof senate. In other words, it's been nothing more than a set-up, a smoke screen to use as their number one excuse that they will trot out now, since we won't have 60 dems in the senate, when gridlock continues, or as republican legislation continues to be passed, couched as "centrist" legislation.
Everyone here MUST realize that, even if we had 60 democrats in the senate, they would never have voted in lockstep. Too many blue dogs and "republican lights" in our mix of democrats.
No, fellow DUers, it was nothing more than an excuse.