The American Family Association is urging a boycott of Costco because they have committed the apparently grave sin of saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. The American Family Association has a
form on their website which allows you to become a brave soldier in the war on Christmas by writing a letter to Costco CEO James Sinegal. I hear that if you are a Republican this will give you an excuse for supporting the war in Iraq without being willing to fight it yourself, because if you are brave enough to fight in another war then you can keep calling liberals cowards while thumping your chest as a brave and proud soldier in the War on Christmas.
If you do choose to write to President Sinegal as a soldier for Christmas I would suggest you change the text so that you can help spread the message of Republican Jesus even better than the American Family Association did with the template they provided. Here is a sample of the letter I sent, but feel free to be creative and post your letters in the comment section below.
Dear President Sinegal:
If you say happy holidays one more time you are certain to burn in hell for all eternity you sinner! I don't want happy holidays I want pissed off and judgmental holidays! I demand you you wish me a Merry Christmas! If you refuse my demands I will send Jesus after you, and Jesus is not that long haired hippie you read about who walks around in sandals and a robe talking about peace and helping the poor and all that liberal nonsense. No this Jesus ain't no hippie, he is Republican Jesus and he is a badass.
When our great hero George Bush said that Jesus was his favorite philosopher it was Republican Jesus he was talking about, and he did what Republican Jesus told him to do. That is why he cut aid to all those poor people while we gave tax cuts to the rich just like Jesus instructed. Bush even appointed Republican Jesus to be a guard at Guantanamo Bay, and once Jesus waterboarded a baby. Don't worry though he assured us that the baby was going to grow up to be a terrorist so he was just protecting America.
Jesus instructs us that we need to all be fundamentalists that follow every word of the bible literally! Except for all that crap about helping the poor, we can just pretend those pages don't exist. While we can skip over the pages about the poor people though, we can't skip over the page that says "Thou shalt receive eternal damnation if you don't say Merry Christmas enough times". Don't ask me what verse that is in the Bible, because someone told me it is there and if you question it you are a sinner. That is why I demand you say Merry Christmas to me five hundred times a day, because if you don't remind me it is Christmas enough then I might forget and that would mean that you would go to hell. I won't go to hell though, I will just ask for forgiveness just like I did the time I wore a diaper to the home of David Vitter's nanny, Jesus will forgive me just like he forgave me last time. I don't have to worry because as a right-wing fundamentalist I can ask for forgiveness and I will be forgiven for whatever I do. But you won't be forgiven you sinner, you have committed the unforgivable sin of not saying exactly what the religious right wants you to say. Now wish me a merry Christmas or prepare for eternal damnation.
Commander Christ
Soldier in the War on Christmas