Edited on Thu Dec-04-08 09:22 AM by dmallind
I'm not quite a centrist but as close to one on DU as is likely (it requires a very thick skin for a start).
I have plenty of opinions. I follow politics closely to form those opinions. I form opinions based on the issue, the data I can find on it, and an objective analysis of the harm or benefit various options or solutions would generate as far as I can see. Then that's an opinioon I hold until more data or arguments are made available.
Some of these decisions are pretty much the standard here. I have no time for denial of any rights to anyone based on gender, sexuality, race or religion. I think medical decisiosn including abortion and euthanasia belong only to the patient, advised by their doctor. I believe in taxing rich people more than poor people, and using those taxes in part (and great part) to help the poor be less poor in various ways. Typical DU stuff there.
But not all of them fit in the uber progressive mold, because that's not where the data lead me. On things like the death penalty, free trade, guns, certain aspects of employer/employee relationships, etc I find that the facts drive me to disagree with the prevailing opinions here. I don't do that because I have a martyr complex or seek out discord for its own sake, but because I am convinced I'm right.
So because I don't automatically take the strict progressive line on EVERY single decision (and to be honest I consider that far more indicative of someone who does not have their own opinion or sufficient interest in politics to make up their own minds than centrism would be) then obviously I end up moving further towards the center than most here, just as Republicans who favor reproductive choice, equal rights, religious pluralism and some sort of social safetry net find themselevs moving towards it from the other direction. It could not be otherwise. To differ from the left in a way they consider too far right can only move a person towards the center.
What you seem to be describing to me would be an apathetic conformist not a centrist.