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Don't be suckered by supposed deals:

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 11:50 AM
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Don't be suckered by supposed deals:
The website,, turns advertising on its head by focusing on an ad's asterisked fine print footnote rather than the headline. It also examines the often overlooked small print on product labels and contracts

P&G "deal":Procter & Gamble is advertising a “one coupon = one meal” promotion whereby the company will donate money to Feeding America for every coupon redeemed by shoppers from its November coupon insert.

Feeding America is the new name for America’s Second Harvest — a network of food banks around the country.
Checking P&G’s website, one learns the company has a “goal of donating up to 20 million meals this holiday season.” Even if P&G was only donating $2 per meal, that would be a commitment of $40 million. Certainly, a very generous donation to a very worthy cause.
That little spot to the right of “one meal” is an asterisk, that leads to an almost unreadable disclosure on the bottom of the page.


” *Coupon value to Feeding America equals $0.0625″
Huh? Six and a quarter cents for each coupon redeemed is what they are donating? How in the world could six and a quarter cents pay for a meal? And what does this meal consist of — half a cup of rice?

Sneaky bastards. Check out the mouse to find out the rest of the story regarding "deals."
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jwirr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 11:54 AM
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1. I got an interesting sham this morning claiming to be from the Fbi.
Notice the cap letter and the small case letters. I am elderly and my guess is that many elderly would not realize that there is a problem. It seems that there is a lot more sham mail lately. I guess that is what happens when the economy tanks.
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