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Dana Perino, unhinged.....Pt. XXVIII: The Cluster-Bombs Cluster-F**k

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:19 PM
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Dana Perino, unhinged.....Pt. XXVIII: The Cluster-Bombs Cluster-F**k
from ThinkProgress:

Perino Can’t Explain Why Bush Administration Opposes Cluster Bomb Treaty»

Today in Oslo, Norway, over 100 countries began signing the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The nations signing the cluster bomb treaty argue that the unexploded munitions pose a “deadly hazard to children, farmers and others long after a conflict ends.” In a surprising last-minute change of policy, Afghanistan agreed to join the treaty.

Russia and the U.S. remain two of the key holdouts to the agreement. Today during the White House press briefing, veteran reporter Helen Thomas pressed spokeswoman Dana Perino to explain the Bush administration’s opposition:

THOMAS: Is the President going to sign the anti-cluster bomb treaty? Apparently this is –

PERINO: Right, this is a treaty that was passed out of the U.N. Security Council several months ago. We said then that, no, we would not be signing on to it. And so I think that the signing is actually — we did not participate in the passage of it, and therefore we’re not going to sign it either.

THOMAS: Why not?

PERINO: What I have forgotten is all the reasons why, and so I’ll get it for you.

Watch it:

When Perino was asked about the administration’s position on the treaty last May, she stressed the importance of cleaning up the munitions but not ending the practice. “We are deeply concerned about the humanitarian impact, not only of just cluster munitions, but really the whole range of munitions that are used at war,” she said. “It’s a moral obligation to clean up, and we do so.”

The State Department has acknowledged that “there are legitimate humanitarian concerns” about the use of cluster bombs, but argues that “it is going to be impossible to ban cluster munitions, as many in the Oslo process would like to do, because these are weapons that have a certain military utility and are of use. The United States relies on them as an important part of our own defense strategy.”

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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:30 PM
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1. Give her a break-she didn't know what the Cuban Missile crisis was about either
Appearing on National Public Radio's light-hearted quiz show "Wait, Wait . . . Don't Tell Me," which aired over the weekend, Perino got into the spirit of things and told a story about herself that she had previously shared only in private: During a White House briefing, a reporter referred to the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and she didn't know what it was.

"I was panicked a bit because I really don't know about . . . the Cuban Missile Crisis," said Perino, who at 35 was born about a decade after the 1962 U.S.-Soviet nuclear showdown. "It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I'm pretty sure."

So she consulted her best source. "I came home and I asked my husband," she recalled. "I said, 'Wasn't that like the Bay of Pigs thing?' And he said, 'Oh, Dana.' "
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DrDan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:48 PM
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2. here is why we will not support this treaty
"The six biggest producers of cluster bombs -- Lockheed Martin, EADS, Thales, GenCorp, Textron and Raytheon . . ."

Lockheed Martin - "The Lockheed Martin political action committee (PAC) gave $1,609,299 to federal candidates in the 05/06 election cycle - 42% to Democrats, 58% to Republicans"

Raytheon - "Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (39% to Democrats, 61% to Republicans)" . . . $629,560

EADS - "Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (43% to Democrats, 57% to Republicans)" . . . $142,000

GenCorp - "Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (20% to Democrats, 80% to Republicans)" . . . $57,475

Textron - "Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (45% to Democrats, 55% to Republicans)" . . . $413,500

The beltway bandits ALWAYS favor the bad guys when it comes to contributing. And it pays off.
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HillWilliam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-08 12:56 PM
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3. Y'know the difference between Perino and the Panama Canal?
The Panama Canal is a busy ditch.

Oh, Dana!
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