of the clueless.
I'd like to believe what you say about the rest of the country starting to realize the vital importance of the domestic auto industry but I'm not sure if enough Americans are involved in actually making things to have a clue what's involved.
For at least a generation we've been sending a large number of kids to college even though many of them aren't really capable of true collegiate work (just ask college administrators and professors how so many freshman courses are actually remedial in nature) who think they are too good to do real labor and feel entitled to their station in life.
They're the ones who whine about how unfair it is that "uneducated" factory workers can make a good living. They don't know what's involved in actually making anything, so they don't respect those who do, and they don't have a clue what a manufacturing supply chain really involves.
They won't realize what's involved till they lose their own jobs and can't afford a latte at Starbucks and their cable bill is past due.
They tell us how their dad had a crappy American car so they won't consider anything American, while they buy disposable consumer electronics. Detroit invented planned obsolescence, they tell us, and then show off their new iPod that has a bigger hard drive, plays videos and comes in really cool colors, not like their old one.
Ronnie Schreiberr