you haven't experienced them yet, but there are.
Your life is a sequence of episodes where you lied your way out of trouble. Clever lies, clever moves. You never suffered any consequences, never were held accountable.
Just one striking example:You lied your way out of any semblence of real military service and now you are the Commander in Chief who lied his way into a war where young people, honest young people, have died...all because you lied. Pretty consequential, Mr. President.
Now you are expecting that the American people will swallow some line that you will let your people testify before Congress as long as they are not required to tell the truth. You did that because if they testify under oath, and lie, there are consequences. Not acceptable to you.
Everyday, thousands of Americans report for jury duty (someone told me that you slid out of that obligation) and they watch as people are sworn to tell the truth and they know the consequences of lying. These jurors make life and death decisions in some cases based upon witnesses taking oaths to tell the truth. The American people have a gut-level understanding of what this is all about. This is bedrock in this country...telling the truth is the basis of marriages, business, commerce, friendships...I could go on and on.
Mr. President...
you lie, you pay...there are consequences for lying and sooner or later you will pay those consequences...too late for some of our bravest children, but I think and I pray that one day you will pay.