Edited on Tue Mar-20-07 07:39 PM by originalpckelly
but when it comes to something serious like this we need to be responsible, and actually focus on what the evidence supports.
There is great suspicion, for good reason because of these following facts: 1. The fact, in and of itself, that Carol Lam and allegedly two other of these US Attorneys were prosecuting/investigating Republicans is incredibly suspicious and has (and should have) set off loud alarms about obstruction of justice. There is no way to know for certain from any e-mail provided to know that this strong suspicion is true, however.
I've only just begun to think about evidence that would confirm or deny this suspicion, so I can't say how we'd find this out as of yet.
2. Mr. Iglesias testified under oath that he received two calls from two different members of Congress, Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson, both of New Mexico. Iglesias also testified that Wilson called him first and that their call was about possible sealed indictments in the investigation of New Mexico's state treasurer, he recalls telling her some general statements about sealed indictments, she seemed very disappointed. Iglesias recalls talking to Domenici about indictments and whether or not they would come before November's election. In both cases it seemed to Mr. Iglesias this was a type of pressure being exerted on him to push up the indictments, if they do/did indeed exist.
Both Wilson and Domenici have denied this allegation of pressure publicly, but it should be noted that both were not under oath and Mr. Iglesias was. Wilson and Domenici did both confirm they had a conversation with Iglesias.
I think there is a way to resolve this, if we can get the following evidence: Put Domenici and Wilson under oath and ask them specifically about what Mr. Iglesias said. Put Domenici's Chief of Staff under oath and ask him if he overheard the conversation and if he did, then what did they say. (Mr. Iglesias recalls that Domenici's Chief of Staff actually made the call and then somehow transfered the call to Domenici. I do not remember or it was not clear in Mr. Iglesias testimony how Domenici's Chief of Staff placed the call, whether he was physically present on Mr. Domenici's side of the conversation or whether he placed the call through some type of electronic device on behalf of Domenici.)
Call records would not reveal any further information, unless someone suspicious was contacted right after either member of Congress called, because parties to both telephone conversations agree that they had the telephone conversation.
If we are going to prove this, we will have to find out if anyone was contacted or a plan hatched to retaliate against Mr. Iglesias, among others.
3. In the case of John McKay, he was contacted by Doc Hastings Chief of Staff to ask about any possible voter fraud investigation in relation to the highly controversial 2004 Washington state Gubernatorial election, where a Democrat won by a slim margin. Mr. McKay determined he had stopped the COS before he could get into any really questionable territory, after a deliberation with other members of Mr. McKay's office. Mr. McKay has also reported being questioned about the 2004 Washington State Gubernatorial election during an interview for a judgeship. Mr. McKay not only was not selected for the judgeship, but would eventually be fired. This is highly suspicious, though we do not have evidence of a direct link between the two.
I have only begun to think about possible evidence here as well.
I know this is not easy to hear, but I'm trying to get a hard case if there really is something here. I don't really care if we go after Gonzales in other areas, but I don't feel devoted to find shit to throw at him, I'm just concerned about any real impact on the justice system, and there has been a highly suspicious even that might affect that system. I'm now trying to do my best as a non-official to investigate it.