CNN poll gives Palin slight advantage over others for 2012 GOP nomination
We'll say it before you do: It's ridiculous to take any polls about the 2012 presidential race seriously.
But they're still fun for political junkies.
CNN and Opinion Research just released the results of a Dec. 1-2 national poll of 460 Republicans. They were asked about some of the potential contenders for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination and whether they would be "very" or "somewhat" likely to support each one. It wasn't an either/or survey. Respondents were simply asked about each person in turn and whether they would or would not "support them if they decided to run:"
• Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, got a 67% "very/somewhat likely" score.
• Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee: 65%.
• Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney: 61%
• Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani: 57%.
• Former House speaker Newt Gingrich: 52%.
• Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal: 44%.
• Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: 32%.
I am a "political junkie" and I think it's not only not "fun" but downright transparent.