Earlier thread:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x4591570The past few weeks I have been trying to hit up some agencies for aid, with some success - but one of the main aid agencies here you have to dial a number (FirstLink it is called) and it is always busy. You can't hit up food banks/etc without going through them first and getting assigned a reference number.
I even called someone I knew for the adopt family program, for whom I have raised money for in the past, trying to get my daughter on the list (I don't need anything myself for Christmas except a damned break) and she told me I had to go through them.
BUT - I do have some tips to pass along from the past that has been successful for myself, and some from current times that may help those in need (currently if you are in Columbus, Ohio call 211 for aid with heating/etc - if you press the # for food they will refer you to firstlink...sigh)
In the past a few tips:
When I was in CA I was having issues with getting set up for worker's comp, so I called the Governor's office (yeah, Ahnold) and pitched a bitch, and they connected me with someone hirer up in the food chain and it was approved over the phone with no hassle.
Back years ago when I was with the X wife and I was raising a family of 5 on $6/hr and was injured at work, whenever I had issues I would call my state/fed senator's office and talk to someone and they would put me in touch with someone at the utilities that I could deal with and get extensions, after I was told I would not get anymore (I was fighting between worker's comp and welfare and wasn't getting any money from either, I eventually settled out of court with worker's comp after I won my case).
If you have ever 'been there' or you work some where or know someone who does help people in need, have tips, etc for people in need of assistance please share your tips/stories.
Right now I am waiting, and waiting, and waiting, on CA unemployment to send me my next set of papers (I am in Ohio right now - and yeah I am Calling the Gov's office Monday) so I can get paid by em and get my life back on track. By my reckoning they are 2 weeks behind and owe me some money now (I owed them the first 6 paychecks due to some damned error or other, but that was 10 weeks ago and now they owe me....) but having them owe me money does nothing towards me having any :)
I will be OK soon, god willing, but so many others won't - so let's see what we can do to help em out with ideas on how to get help and where to turn.
Thanks, TSS/Todd