Just thoughts
After today's 94 to 2 vote against the White House, the Patriot Act, and Gonzo
bush really is looking at the end of his Presidency. His supporters are going
to flee from bush for their own survival or have to go down with him. The
U.S. Attorneys who were fired, were pursing cases that either led to the White
House or to bush's "friends." Add to this the lies that took us into Iraq and Halliburton's
fleecing of America and this country is now toxic for bush.
Conyers, Sanchez, Waxman, Leahy, Jay Rockefeller, Pelosi, Schummer, Feinstein,
and others now are going to go after the White House.
And The White House has 2 choices
1) Give them the documents & people that are requested and face impeachment because
the truth will kill 'em.
b) Fight and don't answer the subpoenas and trigger a Constitutional crises. After which
impeachment is a certainty.
But then again I thought my Buckeyes were a mortal lock in their championship game against
Florida. :rofl: