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Connect the Bush* political dots for the enhanced political picture

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Samantha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 09:16 PM
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Connect the Bush* political dots for the enhanced political picture
Edited on Tue Mar-20-07 09:18 PM by Samantha
It's a familiar political ploy - delay and run out the clock.

I could not believe the MSNBC discussion tonight where 3 very intelligent people ended up with not being able to state unequivocally why Bush* came out swinging today. He either had to come out swinging or roll over. Roll over now, the Fat Lady sings tomorrow. Roll over later, run out the clock, the Fat Lady never sings. Easy choice for Bush* to make. Rove goes down, Bush* goes with him.

The Presidential Political Season is upon us and Bush* came out to warm up his "curve" ball.

And by the way, why WAS it so important to the Republican White House to install Rove's former aid as a prosecutor in Arkansas, I repeat Arkansas, of all places? It has nothing to do with the approaching 2008 Presidential election and where the Clintons resided for 8 years in the Governor's mansion, does it? That's just a coincidence, right? Karl Rove's former aid isn't down there digging up dirt as fast and furiously as possible, right? He will be prosecuting away, because it is his and Karl Rove's love of the law that keeps them happy and loving life....

Karl Rove and his political cronies would NEVER, NEVER in a close political contest seek to embarrass a political opponent by "taking" the election in his or her home state. The fact this happened to Al Gore from Tennessee in 2000 was purely political happenstance and not deliberately engineered by Rove as a huge political embarrassment to the Man Who Should Be President.

It must be all those electoral college votes the State of Arkansas has that influenced Rove to think he must place his former aid in a position to decide what laws should be prosecuted and which ones should be ignored. In the meantime, those trying to ingratiate themselves with the Republican political (may I say it?) Bloodhounds will be beating a path to the prosecutor's door to whisper, yes, whisper words of crimes and other heinous acts perpetrated by the Clintons (and friends) which should have been unearthed and tried but were never uncovered by the (historically) previously "incompetent" staff.... It will not matter if these accusations ever see the inside of a court of law; the court of public opinion will do during election season.

Hillary, often quoted by the press as "the presumptive Democratic nominee" is not a factor in the above mix.

Think about it, and let me know your thoughts: these are three dots which is no way are connected, right?

- Hillary is the presumptive 2008 Democratic candidate
- Hillary and her husband, the former President, resided in Arkansas for a number of years
- Karl Rove has an Arkansas political appointee sitting in a prosecutor's chair dismissed for "lack of distinguishing himself as loyal to the President (sic)" and replaces him with a former aid

These are three dots which in no way are connected, right, but are merely coincidence. And the fact Bush* came out swinging today is in no way connected to any of these dots. Is that correct?

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 09:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. Two thoughts I think I heard on Tweety:
as distasteful as this is, it distracts from the real disaster in Iraq. And it is a REAL DISASTER that they have no explanation for, but want it to keep on keeping on, want the money, troops, etc.

As for Rove's buddy/pick to replace the AG in Arkansas, there was a woman on that stated his friend is, bar none, the best investigator she's ever met. Perhaps their goal was to go after Clinton again, "legitimately".
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Samantha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-20-07 09:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Well, I thought they tried to go after the Clintons previously
Edited on Tue Mar-20-07 09:27 PM by Samantha
and failed miserably but there's nothing like a second chance, right?

I don't think it's a distraction from the war, unless perhaps somewhere fourth down their list of priorities, I think it's purely about saving Republican butt in 2008. Just my hunch. That's what has the Republican base in an uproar, and Bush*, although not running, must play ball and soothe the base.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
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