On Tuesday the town of Carrboro, NC, population approximately 19,000, made a significant step in civil rights: The Carrboro Board of Aldermen voted 5-0 to support civil marriage for same-sex couples.
Earlier in the month, in response to California's Proposition 8 which eliminated same-sex marriage, and Arizona's prop 102 and Florida's Prop 2 prohibiting same-sex marriage, board member Jackie Gist proposed a resolution of the board's support of civil marriage for same-sex couples. The resolution reads:
The Election Day victories by anti-gay activists in California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas were a painful reminder that the gay rights movement still faces many challenges. Civil marriage for same-sex couples must include all the benefits commonly bestowed upon opposite-sex couples, including, among other rights, health care coverage and related decision-making, privileges under immigration and naturalization law, survivor benefits, inheritance rights and child custody.
Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton drew an important analogy:
It was just a couple of college towns when we started in on the civil rights movement in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s, and it was just a couple of college towns when we started the process of ending the war in Vietnam.