Sorry, I know talking about 9/11 is taboo but this concerns the health of the people in New York after the attack.
This is the good news where Bloomy steps up and does the right thing...
Mayor Lobbies Congress To Help Treat 9/11 Illnesses
By Staff Reporter of the Sun
March 20, 2007
Mayor Bloomberg circulated a report among Congress yesterday calling for lawmakers to fund treatment for World Trade Center-related illnesses and to open a victim compensation fund.
The report, which the mayor's administration released last month, was delivered to members of Congress two days before he is scheduled to testify in Washington before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Mr. Bloomberg was invited by Senator Clinton to make the appearance.
The mayor's 83-page report calls on the federal government to defray $150 million in medical programs annually and to create a $1 billion compensation fund.'m very glad he's finally come on board since he has been instrumental in stymieing and investigation into the Health effects to the emergency workers and those who worked in the area afterwards. To track the health risks, I've been watching the tests being performed over the past years on the rescue dogs and the results are not
promising. Based on this I knew there were going to be serious troubles down the road and I was amazed that this asshat would sit back and do nothing to help fix the problems...
Well, this article launches him into the ASSHAT Hall of Fame...
March 18, 2007 -- Mayor Bloomberg killed a study on the city's response to the 9/11 attacks after his lawyers said they did not want a report that cited any missteps or dealt with "environmental" or "respirator issues," says a former city official.
City lawyers raised fears that the proposed "after-action report" - which the U.S. Department of Justice had offered to fund - could lead to criticism and fuel lawsuits, David Longshore, former director of special programs for the city's Office of Emergency Management, told The Post.
"The Bloomberg administration acted to sweep any potential problems under the rug," said Longshore, who was trapped in a loading dock outside the WTC while both towers collapsed. He later developed sinusitis and throat polyps and sued the city.
Longshore, who left his city job last year, showed The Post his work notes on internal OEM discussions with city lawyers in February 2003. His notes say the Law Department "doesn't want a critical report" and "does not want a report that says we did anything wrong." I said, I'm glad he's finally stepping up and asking for $1 Billion dollars
but where the fuck was he years ago? Why did he wait so long and ignore a problem that can only become more serious as time drags on? How many are going to have to suffer longer and more terrible after-affects because this Mayor... this Man of the People... decided to wait until there was no way to avoid the truth before he became a champion for them?...
Anyway... I hope he feels responsible and that guilt and shame drives him to use every dirty trick he can think of to get the New Yorkers who are going to be in serious trouble the money they're going to need. I don't care if he has to beg, borrow or steal the money... it's time for him to step up and finally do the right thing and I'm glad he's finally left with no other choice.