I hope this will help some DUers in SoCal, and will perhaps give clues to agencies in other parts of the country. It's in today's (Dec. 7) paper. When I copied it to my file and made it into 12 pt type it came to 4 pages, short enough to print out and keep if you want to.
Anyone who wants to read the whole thing but has trouble accessing the LAT online, PM me and I will send it to you. :grouphug:
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-cover7-2008dec07,0,7416907.storyIf you're eating three meals today and have a roof over your head, you've probably never heard of the 211 service. It's like 411 or 911, except you use it when you're in such financial distress that you don't have enough money for food or perhaps even for a place to live. <snip>
This is a consumer guide for the nouveaux poor, individuals and families who suddenly find themselves in financial peril. A good place to start is the 211 referral services, available in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.
The L.A. version is available 24/7, including holidays. <snip>
For someone who needs help, it's important to make the call promptly. Competition for services is getting fierce. <snip>
"If you've been a low-income mother of five, you know all the agencies and the nonprofits where you can get help," said John Kim, director of the Healthy City project that is working on a consumer-friendly online guide to these resources.
"But if you just lost your home and your job, you're new to this world. You are looking around, saying, 'Where do I turn?' "