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clarence swinney (673 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sun Dec-07-08 12:47 PM Original message |
“I say what I mean and mean what I say” “ Promises made-Promises kept” “When I make up my mind it stays made up” “I do not take cues from anyone” “You can’t say one thing and do another” “Trust me I’m a straight shooter” “I’m the commander, I don’t need to explain, I do not need to explain why I do things” “I need a WAR to be a successful president” ”I’m the War President” “I’m the Peace President” “A Leader never admits mistakes” “I’m the Decider and I decide what is best”. God Bless the King! “Lucky Me, I hit the Trifecta” “God told me to attack the terrorists in Iraq to keep them from attacking us”. Exact words of Hitler except he said Poland not Iraq. “I’m a Recovering Drunk” said Bush. Judy Keen USA Today12-29-05 ‘There is no point in discussing the pros and cons of the war” “You know what I’m gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel don’t you Herman? I’m telling em they are all going to Hell”. Ken Herman Austin reporter. IS THIS MAN SANE? WOULD YOU BUY A USED CAR FROM THIS MAN??? ------------------------------------------------ 1.Osama Bin Laden is my number one priority. (at least this week) 2. We need an Office of Strategic Influence (Next decade maybe) 3. I will follow the UN Resolution as long as it takes-10-27-02 10-31-02—The UN needs to act now 2-13-03—The UN needs to show courage (like I did during Vietnam.) 4. I am a strong believer in Fair Trade—(except steel and softwood lumber) (votes first) Ed Crane—Co-Founder and President of The Cato Institute-“Everything this Administration does is political” 5. We do not need for the Homeland Security Department to be a Cabinet position. I made up my mind on it. Boston Globe—6-9-02 “Bush Flip Flop” 6. I will get Osama Bin Laden “Dead or Alive”—(go get em cowboy)—5-13-02-(“I don’t know where he is, I have no idea and I really don’t care.) (It’s not that important. It’s not out first priority”) (“I say what I mean”). (“When I make up my mind it stays made up”). 7. I will use the bully pulpit with OPEC. (Sic em bulldog my gas now 4.00 per gallon) Supply went down and Prices went up and (“This is just the Free Market at Work”) 8. I will never apologize to the Chinese for “stealing our plane”. Please guys! Be nice. Return our plane. “I regret it” was later comment. 9. I mean what I say—“We can expect an attack”. Each month warning. When BOY? Forced Security Head to Post Orange Alert when poll ratings fell. No posts after reelection? Why? Terrorists suddenly disappeared? 10. Wash. Post-2-8-03—Bush seeking a promise from IRAN (Evil) for humanitarian help in event a slaughter is done in Afghan. (Sounds like Reagan?) 11. NYT-1-23-03—Bush (Man of steel will) “rescinding” old policy and implementing a new policy that allows managed care organizations to limit and restrict coverage of emergency services for poor people on Medicaid. This was after criticizing HMOs for refusal to allow treatment. If this is a Devout Christian I am Jesus Christ. 12. We will not negotiate with North Korea. Wash Post 1-16-03—Bush is now willing to consider agricultural and energy aid. (Hold on! This is EVIL of axis) 13.Individual investors who borrow money to buy dividend-paying stocks should be penalized. (Gosh! What did I say—I did not mean it) NYT 2-5-03 14. I mean what I say until yelling starts. Military pay increase of 2% then 4%. Stars & Stripes-12-30-02—Bush asked Defense Dept. to lower the announced pay raise for the military from 3.7% to 2%. Congress finally got 4 in 2004 budget. “I am tired of all the Lying and Deception”—Amen! Halleluiah! Then stop it Boy. 15.I mean what I say—I am the education president. Please. First budget increased by 1.5% which had averaged 5% increase per year over five years. (Sounds like Clinton was the educated educator to me.) 16.Wash Post-12-2-02—In June 2002 Bush promised 500 Million to fight mother-child transmission of Aids . In Aug he vetoed the first transfer of the 500 million. In 111 days since his promise 222,000 babies have been infected with Aids. (I wonder if Jesus Christ is tossing in his bed) 17.“Secretary O’Neill is doing a good job. The economy is improving. I have faith in him”. (Your faith lasts two weeks boy then fire him) 18.The Homeland Security Bio-Terrorism Bill is too expensive. I will veto it. An Ok is not a veto boy. (I mean what I say” but maybe I will not this time.) 19. I do not approve of an Independent Investigation of 9-11. (“I mean what I say” but—yelling is too loud). 20.I am against international money laundering controls. (9-11—“I changed my steel mind”) They may catch daddy. 21.We will have major social security changes. Wash Post. 11-11-01—Andrew Card on Meet the Press on 11-10-02 “I am not sure we will reform it” This was a Centerpiece of his campaign.. 22.-12-30-02—We will not tolerate a North Korean nuclear arsenal. (Act nice guys if you want our $$$) 23.We do not hit civilian targets(in Afghan). There is no evidence. (Red Cross building not civilian—Veterans Hospital is military—Warlord Party heading to Kabul to celebrate was armed with .22 rifles—Wedding Party was violent and firing in the air at our planes 20,000 feet above them) 24.Wash Posr-11-15-02—“If you are not happy with the administration’s policy toward Iraq at any given moment just wait a week or two. A new policy, more to your liking, is bound to appear”. A. Go it alone week B. Let us wait for UN week C. “Regime change” is goal D. remove wmd is goal E. Secretary of State is nor speaking for the president F. Attorney General is not speaking for the administration. G. I am sick and tired of this waffling and waiting. 25.Steel Tariff—I really did not mean that much. I angered some people. Reduce it. (When I make up my mind it stays made up) 26.Carbon Dioxide is a power plant pollutant I will control.. (Oh! It will be too costly to my energy contributors so forget it suckers—cough cough) 27.Reuters-6-26-02—‘I have confidence in the Palestinians when they understand we are saying they must make the right decisions”—“I can assure you we will not be putting money into a society which is not transparent and which is corrupt”. (Was he referring to his administration? Sounds like it—transparent—corrupt) 28.I am against human cloning in any form. (well, not quite “any”) 29.“I knew nothing about dangers of 9-11”. Eight months later. “I knew a damn bunch (but I was too busy on Vacation and looking for more to blame on that President who stomped my dad. Darn it is tough being dumb, inarticulate and following such a brain and great success) 30.“I am in excellent physical condition.” (Darn, staying up till midnight in Paris zapped all my energy—Boy—try conditioning your mind)) 31.I am on top of everything. (Why did you say twice on TV—“I am not in control the Pentagon is running the War (Afghan)—You have a White House base—same as Al Qaeda. Only more secretive) 32.I will veto bill increasing benefits for disabled military retirees (Yep! He was war hero.. 6-20-02 in Wash Post. I do not change my mind. Until 2004 Budget). 33.-6-14-02—released 23,653 of ”cherry picked” Reagan papers after refusing to do it. “When I make up my mind it stays made up” Is this BOY real ?” 34.I mean what I say—‘I will provide 100 million to help preserve the Rain Forest” 12M is not 100. And he has MBA. 35.Budgeted funds for his dad’s Crusader cannon then demanded that Congress kill the big sucker. 36. Airline Security is very important to me. Then, why did you fight so hard to keep guns out of cockpits? Why did you ignore Al Gore Study on airline security? 37.Barred part-time Mexican and Canadian students from U.S. schools after 9-11. Then, after howls reversed his decision. “When I make up my mind” 38.Simon (candidate for Gov. of California). “He is a breath of fresh air.” Bush sho hated that California Smog for he avoided Simon while in his presence. 39.“I will not engage in bailing out countries.” 30 billion to Brazil just a tip? 40.NY Times-Richard Stevenson-2-14-03—“Bush eases Ban on AIDS money to pro-abortion groups abroad.What will he tell Falwell? 41.-March 6—“We will call for a UN Security Council vote.” Geo. Bush March 13—“There may be no vote” Colin Powell NY TIMES-“Bush promises to adopt peace plan”. The Guardian-“Bush reversed his previous insistence that the Middle East Peace effort must wait till after Iraq SLAUGHTERAMA 42.NY TIMES--Edmund L. Andrwews-2-26-03—Less than a month after President Bush proposed a radical overhaul and expansion of individual retirement and savings account the White House has abandoned their idea. (“When I make up my mind it stays made up”) (“Promises made promises kept”) (“I say what I mean and mean what I say”) -------------WHO IN HECK IS IN CHARGE IN THIS WAFFLE HOUSE?------------ 43. NY Times-Patrick e. Tyler-5-17-03—“In reversal, plan for Iraqi self rule by June 1 put off indefinitely. “When I make up my mind(scorched?) it stays made up”? Sho! 44.BIG WAFFLE—Washington Post-8-19-03-Dana Milbank & Bradley Graham— “Bush revises view on combat in Iraq”.---May I on USS Desertion he said-- “Combat Operations are over”.. Now—“Actually, Major military operations continue because we still have combat operations going on”. Is this boy of scorched brain or what? 45. TEACH FOR AMERICA PROGRAM ZAPPED BY BUSH. I am pissed off. Big time. In 2000 campaign Bush promised President Wendy Koop to expand it. His aides asked President Wendy Koop to quadruple it. . On July 11,2003 she got a letter “We regret to inform you your application was not selected for funding”. Gone. Zapped totally. Bush is one of sorriest not just worst in history. Read TIME—8-17-03. Joe Klein article headed “WHO KILLED TEACH FOR AMERICA”? Sorry, but I am so furious I have difficulty writing. I do not like to curse but xxxxxxx. 45.OBL not priority or is he? A 9-13-01—“The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him”. B. 9-17-01—I want justice. Wanted :Dead or alive.” C 12-28-01—“Listen awhile ago I said to the American people our objective is more than Bin Laden—Press pool in chapel on ranch D. 3-13-02 “I am truly not that concerned about him. ”The New American 4-8-02 E. 3-13-02—“I don’t know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” Wow! 46. Bush told bob Woodward in his book “Bush War” that “he didn’t feel that sense of urgency” about Al Qaeda prior to 9-11”. Now claims had great sense of urgency. 47.Nov 2003 Bush made highly touted speech about spreading democracy in the entire Middle East. NYT reported he backed away after it was denounced by Egypt Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. 48. 2-2-04 Budget Director Bolton-“we will not need additional funds for 04.” 5-5-04 Bush “I am requesting that Congress establish a 25 Billion contingency reserve ” 49. 3-9-04 Press Secretary McClellan-“Condoleeza Rice will not testify before 9-11 commission it is matter of principle.” President Bush on 3-30-94 “Dr. Rice will testify.” 50. 3-19-02 Ari Fleischer-“Creating a Cabinet Office will not solve the problem.” 6-6-02 President Bush “Tonight I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single permanent department securing the homeland of America.” 51. NYT 1-29-04 “Bush resists outside investigation on WMD intelligence failure.” 2-6-04 Bush “Today, by executive order, I am creating an independent commission, to look at American intelligence capabilities.” 52. Wash Post-1-19-04-“Bush opposes extension of time for 9-11 commission.” CNN-2-4-04---“Bush supports time extension for 9-11 commission.” 53.NYTimes 2-26-04-Bush limits testimony to one hour.” Spokesman McClellan-3-10-04 “Bush sets no time limit for testimony.” 54.Larry King Live 2-15-00 Bush says Gay Marriage is a state issue. 2-24-04-Bush “Today I call upon the Congress to promptly pass, an amendment to our constitution defining andprot4cting marriage as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife.” 55. 3-6-03 Bush vows to have a UN vote no matter what 3-18-03-Wash Post-“Bush withdraws request for UN vote.” 56. Columbia Journalism Review—Bush vetoed Patients Bill Of Rights as Governor but boasted how he got it passed. Now, flip flop to double straddle. He touted the Texas law as super duper. When a challenge to the Texas Law went before Supreme Court Bush joined with two HMO’s in opposing the law. Could it be because the HMO’s are Pioneers in his campaign. Doesn’t this man have any honor or integrity? 57.Remove troops from Korea. A proposal by Cheney. Bush on 3-13-02 “There is no question we have obligations around the world, which we will keep. There is a major obligation for the 37,000 troops in South Korea. It is an obligation that is an important obligation. I know it is important and we will keep that obligation. US Newswire-8-19-04. 58. Speech in Michigan 8-16-04—“We have got to use our resources wisely, like water It starts with keeping the Great Lakes water in the Great Lakes Basin.. My position is clear : we are never going to allow diversion of Great Lakes water.” Per Associated Press in July 2001 Bush said “I want to talk to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien about piping Great Lakes water to the west and southwest. A lot of people don’t need the water, but when you head South and West, we do need it.” AP 7-19-01—White House release 7-17-01 “remarks by the President in Roundtable interview with Foreign Press. 59. Cheney in Elko, Nevada 8-14-04 “Kerry recommended sensitivity for terrorists. No war was ever won by sensitivity”. Interview with Hugh Hewitt—8-12-04—“From the standpoint of the shrine (Najah), obviously it is a sensitive area, and we are very much aware of it’s sensitivity.” The Daily Howler-8-17-04 60. NYTimes-8-31-04--- April 13,2004—“Can you ever win the war on terror? Of course you can.” July 19,2004----“I have a clear vision and a strategy to win the war on terror.” August 30,2004—“I don’t think you can win the war on terror” “I say what I Mean and Mean what I say” “When I make up my mind it stays made up.” IS THIS PERSON SANE? 61. March 5,2000—on CBS Face the Nation—Independent group attacking his opponent John McCain---Bush said: ‘That is what freedom of speech is all about. People have the right to do what they want to do, under the-under the First Amendment in America. August 23,2004 Bush said: “the practice of independent groups to run smear ads is bad for the system. They should be banned. ”Never heard of Swift Boat? 62. Bush said over and over in late 2005—“I will veto the McCain Bill on Torture” The Bill passed overwhelmingly in Congress and old --“When I make up my Mind it stays made up” --said “This is a great bill and I will sign it”. 63. Many times Bush stated “I will not negotiate with terrorists”. Many times he called Iraq insurgents “terrorists”. Newsweek-2-6-06—Military leaders admit they are in negotiations with “Insurgents”. Ho! Hum! Just another day in Bush Waffle House. 64. Speech in LA—Belliaco—Peter Fredson—4-24-06 Bush—“I know peoplehere are suffering at the gas pump. I feel your pain. I Pledge to the people here f I find any price gouging it will be dealt with firmly He did not note the simple obvious. Exxon demand is down but PROFITS are at all time high for any corporation. 65. National Anthem in Spanish—Bush says it is wrong. In 2001 Campaign he had singers sing it in Spanish and applauded them. “When I make up my mind it stays made up.” 66. “A leader never Admits mistakes” Press conference with Blair in 6-06 Is he normal? “I regret saying “Bring Em On” and “Get OBL Dead Or Alive” 67. 4-9-99-Bush said-“Victory means exit strategy and it’s important for the president to tell us what the strategy is” 6-5-99—Bush said—“I think it’s also important to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn” 6-24-95—Bush said—“It doesn’t make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable you’re-you’re conceding too much to the enemy”. “I say what I Mean and Mean what I say”. Moogumboo. 68. Bush at Twin Towers—“I take a sacred vow that we will never stop looking for Osama Bin Laden” 7-5-06—Osama Bin Laden Search Group disbanded by Bush. (I say what I Mean and Mean what I say 69.Bush Press Conference on Lebanon crisis—8-06-Chris Elliott seaboard on line ”I’m not prejudiced. As a matter of fact Dick Cheney’s daughter is Lebanese. I think a marriage should be between a man and a woman not a woman and a man.” So clear George! Snort! Snort! 70. Interview by Couric with Bush on 9-7-06 and Bush said-“One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq with the war on terrorism”. Lordie! Is he sane? The only connection was his manufactured one to sell the Iraq slaughterama. Records show only 2% of those captured or killed in Iraq were non-residents of Iraq. 98% Freedom Fighters and/or Civil Warriors. 71. “The buldge on my back in Kerry Debate was ill-fitting suit”. Not so Said NASA Photo expert. A Box. No so said ItalianTailor who made the suit. “It fit perfectly”. 72. Told Wolf Blitzer on 9-20-06 I would “absolutely send troops into Pakistan to find OBL.” Week ago said he would not without Pakistan permission since it is a sovereign nation. Trust me. I say what I mean and mean what I say. Sometimes. 73.Bartcop-9-28-06 Bush said in the interview ”If the terrorists weren’t in Iraq, they would find some other excuse, because they have ambitions”. This an adult speaking? Fourth grader! #73 is almost beyond comprehension. 73. Unbelievable-Unreal—He said it—Interview with G. Stephanopoulos week 10-22-06—“James Baker plan is to develop a strategy between-- “STAY THE COURSE”-- and “cut and run”? Bush Reply—“We’ve never been about “STAY THE COURSE”. Tell me he is sober! Please. ---“STAY THE COURSE” --has been his frequent chant.-- 5-5-04—But we will STAY THE COURSE 4-16-04—That’s why we’re going to “STAY THE COURSE”—4-13-04—“and my message today to those in Iraq “WE’LL STAY THE COURSE” --8-4-05—“WE WILL STAY THE COURSE”. We will complete the job in Iraq”—8-30-06—“WE WILL STAY THE COURSE”— details at think progress.org It is hard to accept he is not mentally deranged. 74. WE DON’T TORTURE—why are our soldiers being convicted of it. Bush has been six years of mental torture to the people. 75. 11-13-06 “People who hate us. They hate the idea that somebody can go buy a home”” They will need to buy many to replace the ones we destroyed. Needlessly. Do you believe that is the reason./Or—is it that four members of 101st raped a 14 year old girl, burned her body, and killed parents and 6 year old sister? Or, destroyed Fallujah home to 250,000?Or, killed 550,000 innocent persons. Or or or or This Recovering Drunk is brain scorched frat boy. 76. 11-06-06—Tony Snow-“The president says we are winning the war”. This after Robert Gates testimony in the Senate “we are losing the war in Iraq”. Iraq Survey Group testimony--”We are losing the war in Iraq”. Bush said to his Biographer in 1999--“A Leader does not admit mistakes”. He just takes another shot of Jack and smiles. 77. 12-20-06—Press conference-“We are not winning or losing in Iraq”. Last week in press conference-“We are absolutely wining”. ”I say what I Mean and Mean what I say”. “Trust me”. 78. 12-06—“I think it’s been a very difficult year in Iraq. It’s my job to listen to a lot of opinions and come up with a strategy that says “we have a plan”. Same person who said many times “The Democrats do not have a plan for Iraq”. He never read Reid 528 Page plan which Senate Repubs would not allow on the floor for a vote. 79. Bush wrote 10-14-03 memo to Rev. Troy Perry on 35th anniversary of his church. Prior to this letter Bush had proclaimed “marriage is a sacred institution defending traditional family of man and woman. Perry had promoted Gay Marriage many times on national press. His church members were astonished that Bush would write such a memo. Even World Net Daily castigated Bush on it. 2003WorldNetDaily.com memo 11-12-03 ‘I will do anything to win” credo of Bush Family. 80. April 2003—Iran wrote White House offerring discussionCheney sid “We do not negotiate with terrorists we destroy them? 6-7-07 Secretary of State in Iran negotiating. Trust us. EXCELLENT LIST OF 172 WAFFLES AT WWW.FLIPFLOPS.COMPASSIONGATE.COM 81.No waffle just stupid --cnn showed (7-19-07)Bush speaking about an amputee he had met. He said “He is a good man. we are going to get him new legs”. 82. Wait one moment—Bush signed an Executive Order on 7-20-07 Outlawing Torture. Last month he told a group of High School students in the White House “We do not torture”. How many times has he and Tony Snow said it. Why outlaw a vacuum? He was lying then or now. You chose. 83. 7-23-07—Bush has spent five years disclaiming any correlation between Vietnam and Iraq. Speech to VFW on 7-22-07 was entirely about the correlation of Vietnam to Iraq. Disgusting to take this blarney blabber from a loon. clarence swinney 84. How much more can I stomach--- 8-8-07 Bush to Neil Cavuto—“No, I’m not a federal bailout guy—Let the Market work”. 8-31-07—Bush in speech—“we will help home owners who can’t pay their loans”. 85.Alki again? NY Times 9-4-07—Book-‘Dead Certain” author interviewed Bush who said he knew nothing on Bremer decision to fire Saddam’s army. Bremer wrote NY Times saying he personally told Bush and got a letter thanking him and praising him as a great leader. Bremer said many defense officials were told of the decision ahead of time. Bush is a Recovering Drunk (by admission) so you can understand his faulty memory. 86. 9-6-07 Sydney Morning Herald—phillip cooley—Deputy Prime Minister asked Bush what he saw in Iraq—Bush replied –“We’re kicking ass”—and killing hundreds of thousands and maiming tens of thousands for life—same loon who said this—He was asked what he and Dad talked about when alone. His reply “pussy”. Is he sane? Dead or alive—Bring em on 87.LOON?—In Australia for the APEC summit he made these two very very stupid remarks according to AP 9-5-07 – To Australian PM--”Thank you for being such a fine host for this OPEC summit”—“Thank you PM Howard for visiting “AUSTRIAN” troops in Iraq last year”. TELL ME HE IS NOT STUPIIID. 88. 2-14-07—Reuters—Bush certain “Iran” was providing weapons to fighters in Iraq. Two hours later he said he had no knowledge Iran officials were part of the arms deal. He is smart? Ho hum. 89. Just dumb remarks—“you know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror”-- “if the Iranians were to have a nuclear weapon, they could proliferate”—“those who enter the country illegally violate the law”—‘It is a time of sorrow when we lose a loss of life”-- —“I believe that—young cows ought to be allowed to go across the border”—“the illiteracy level of our children are appalling”— “Is our children learning” He graduated from two colleges? 90. Director of national intelligence mike mconnell told the senate so called patriot act helped thwart an alleged terror plot in germany. Gov official told NYT he was wrong. It was under old FISA act. McConnell said he was wrong. Lied or mistaken? 91. Alcohol Mind At Work—9-19-07—Press Conference-“I think I got a B in Economics 101.” Grade records show two courses and grades of 71 and 72. This punk is unreal. 92. Same press conference. “I got an A for keeping taxes low and being fiscally responsible with the people’s money.” He is insane. Totally Nuts. Spend & Borrow is let kids pay tomorrow. Sixty per cent increase in spending on borrowed money is not responsible. DRINKING AGAIN? 93. On Iraq war 9-20-07—“President Saddam Hussein brutality had made it impossible for a unifying leader to emerge and stop the sectarian violence that engulfed the Middle East Nation. I heard somebody say “where’s Mandela”. Mandela’s dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandellas.” Nelson Mandella is alive in South Africa. Yes! He is on Jack again. 94. 9-24-07-Bush was asked if he is an asset or liability for Republicans in next year’s election. His reply “strong asset”. He has not read the many articles in major papers that the candidates are running frorn his horrible record. Oh! I forgot. He does not read papers or watch TV. What a punchy! 95. 9-25-07 Bush with group of kids in White House on NCLB—He said--“childrens do learn”. Wow! Normal mind? 96. The LOON told a Harvard Professor—“People are poor because they are lazy” 97. Beyond comprehension. On SCHIP veto Bush said these immortal words of inaneness—“No one goes without Health Care in America. After all, you go to an emergency room.” I ask Americans in seriousness-IS THIS LOON SANE? 98.10-18-07 A reporter asked Bush why he vetoed the schip bill. His reply “To ensure that I am relevant”. President smartass recovering dry alcoholic puke punk 99. Middle East Hero-In campaign Bush told how he would solve middle east conflict. He said “I will ride herd” on recalcitrant leaders by picking up the telephone whenever necessary and help produce an agreement”. Typical bravado moogumboo by a recovering dry drunk. Jennifer wrote that Bush “has been more a sporadic speaker than engaged enforcer over 7 years of turmoil” The Nov 2007 Annapolis meeting is his last stop effort. Jennifer Loven AP in N&R-11-25-07 100. In 2004 campaign Bush said this “We will lead an aggressive effort to enroll millions of poor children who are eligible but not signed up for the children’s insurance program”. He vetoed twice the SCHIP. Center for american progress 12-13-07 101. Bush bragged during campaign how he would have an open administration. We know the record of closed administration. Rated most secretive in history. This is excess. Judge rules they must release the visitor logs for the White House. Bush does not want to reveal crooks like Abramoff, gays, destroy government nuts like Grover Nutquist, etc. who have made many visits. Open is Shut to this Gang. 102. 2008—“I will veto the new GI BILL OF RIGHTS it is too expensive”. Passed overwhelmingly. He signed it. 103. Last Monday 7-21-08, Bush signed an executive order to reverse his 7½ year policy against oil drilling in some offshore areas, falsely suggesting that it will help lower the soaring price of gasoline. Bush’s flip-flop on offshore drilling is just the latest attempt to divert attention from the conservatives’ failed energy policies. 104. 9-26-08-The Los Angeles Times points out that the "wholehearted endorsement of massive government intervention represents a startling about-face for a president who has insisted throughout his career that such meddling creates problems instead of fixing them." Principles fade in face of gunfire 105.—nov 13-08-nyc speech—“I’m a Market-Oriented guy but not when I’m faced with the prospect of a global meltdown. More regulation is needed.” Later in same speech he said: “the greatest threat to economic prosperity is not too little government but it is too much government involvement in the market.” 106. Potpourri-- "This thaw -- took a while to thaw, it's going to take a while to unthaw." --George W. Bush, on liquidity in the markets, Alexandria, La., Oct. 20, 2008 "We're fixing to go down to Galveston and obviously are going to see a devastated part of this fantastic state." --George W. Bush, Houston, Sept. 16, 2008 "The people in Louisiana must know that all across our country there's a lot of prayer -- prayer for those whose lives have been turned upside down. And I'm one of them." --George W. Bush, Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 3, 2008 "First of all, I don't see America having problems." --George W. Bush, interview with Bob Costas at the 2008 Olympics, Beijing, China, Aug. 10, 2008 "I'm coming as the president of a friend, and I'm coming as a sportsman." --George W. Bush, on his trip to the Olympics in China, Washington, D.C., July 30, 2008 "There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk -- that's one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras -- it got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments." --George W. Bush, speaking at a private fundraiser, Houston, Texas, July 18, 2008 (Watch video clip) "I think it was in the Rose Garden where I issued this brilliant statement: If I had a magic wand -- but the president doesn't have a magic wand. You just can't say, 'low gas.'" --George W. Bush, Washington D.C., July 15, 2008 "And they have no disregard for human life." --George W. Bush, on the brutality of Afghan fighters, Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008 "The economy is growing, productivity is high, trade is up, people are working. It's not as good as we'd like, but -- and to the extent that we find weakness, we'll move." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008 "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." --George W. Bush, in parting words to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy at his final G-8 Summit, punching the air and grinning widely as the two leaders looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008 "Amigo! Amigo!" --George W. Bush, calling out to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Spanish at the G-8 Summit, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008 "Throughout our history, the words of the Declaration have inspired immigrants from around the world to set sail to our shores. These immigrants have helped transform 13 small colonies into a great and growing nation of more than 300 people." --George W. Bush, Charlottesville, Va., July 4, 2008 "Should the Iranian regime-do they have the sovereign right to have civilian nuclear power? So, like, if I were you, that's what I'd ask me. And the answer is, yes, they do." --George W. Bush, talking to reporters in Washington, D.C., July 2, 2008 "But oftentimes I'm asked: Why? Why do you care what happens outside of America?" --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 26,2008 "I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 26, 2008 During a ceremony today in which Bush signed proclamations honoring service in World War II, a pool reporter assigned to cover the event, Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News, attempted to get a reaction from the departing president about his new digs. "Mr. President -- you excited about your house in Dallas?" Gillman asked. "Todd, why do you care?" Bush responded. "You live in Washington, D.C." LOON OR WHAT? IF HE IS SANE I AM DONALD TRUMP These inane comments explain this comment Bush made in 2000 campaign to a group of recovering addicts in Iowa: “I’m on a Walk just like you. It is a never ending Walk as far as I’m concerned. Is anyone treating him as a Dry Drunk? |
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Idealism (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sun Dec-07-08 12:59 PM Response to Original message |
1. What ever happened to "Code Red/Code Orange" ? Weird they stopped at elections |
9. I mean what I say—“We can expect an attack”. Each month warning. When BOY?
Forced Security Head to Post Orange Alert when poll ratings fell. No posts after reelection? Why? Terrorists suddenly disappeared? |
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