We have no business being in Afghanistan, and if we don't take a clue from what happened to the Soviets there, we deserve extinction.
The Pakistani's assertions about the US being in on 9/11 don't surprise me at all. The filthiest, most morally corrupt organization in the world, outside of the Bush family, is the ISI. I have never doubted, nor have my Middle Eastern friends, all of whom are quite astute politically, that ISI set up the whole thing with the cooperation of the United States.
Ever wonder how fast the Patriot Act was put forth? Ever see it? It's huge, a document that would normally take years to assemble. This was done in WEEKS, and no one said a word. Chimpy Fucknuts and his Merry Band of Fucks had it all ready and waiting, of that I am convinced. Same with the invasion of Iraq, which the neocons had in their heads even before Fucknuts was anointed by the Supreme Court.
We have only the credibility that Obama's assumption of the Presidency might bring us. I am wary of his plans to increase our forces in Afghanistan, since there is no reason for us being there. The Afghani people don't want us there, and Afghanistan played no role in 9/11. In short, we're there to screw with theTaliban, which makes no sense.
Watch Pakistan. Beware the ISI. I am holding my breath, convinced as I've been for months that Chimpy Fucknuts is going to pull something in the Middle East before he disappears from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.