Conservatives and even many moderates often argue that big federal programs are too bureaucratic, ineffective and dysfunctional and that there should be greater local and state control for major programs.
In my experience, however, the most dysfunctional government agencies or programs I've had to work with are state or local bodies or programs that are funded by the federal govt. but administered by states and/or local governments.
The Federal Govt. administers Social Security. It administers Medicare. It runs the national parks and the Post Office.
By contrast, states and local governments run Medicaid, the DMV, and various state programs that are always subject to big budget fights and are often very hodge-podge.
I realize this could be a selective reading. And I wouldn't say that all federal government programs are great -- inefficiencies can be present in any bureaucracy. But in my experience, local and state governments are often far more dysfunctional than federal programs.
Anyone agree with this? If not, tell me why I'm wrong.