One of the things that has really dissapointed me in the last few president elections is that the Democratic candidates are unwilling to take a stand for anything other than their own election and re-election campaigns.
Don't get me wrong. It is nice that Obama was elected. I am happy that a Democratic president was elected after 8 long years of Bush Co. But where are the coattails? The only way to prevent Obama from being more than a one term president and then the Rethugs taking over is to stand for IDEAS.
I am very dissapointed that our presidential candidates have run from the world "liberal", or hell, even "progresive".
Instead, they stand for vague ideas like "change" or "I'm better than the other guy". While these techniques have the ability to get our politicians elected (look at Obama for example), they have very little in the way of coattails.
Let's be honest here. Obama was intentionally vague his entire campaign. While he shares some of the same positions as many of us loyal Democrats , he ran as his own entity. He didn't run as an extension of the Democratic Party. He ran for his own self fulfillment, his own election chances.
There was very little discussion from Obama about the rapidly growing income inequality that defines trickle down economics. How our jobs continue to ship overseas due to free trade. How our unions continue to be under attack. These are all progressive issues. Obama didn't run on any of these issues. He ran on "change". The Rethug candidate in 2012 will carry the "change" banner. Obama is the establishment now. He's not going to get away with that in 2012.
One of the things that Obama was lambasted for in the primaries was his claim that Reagan changed the trajectory of American politics in a way Bill Clinton didn't. God knows I hate that POS Reagan will every fiber of my being, but he is correct in this instance. Reagan stood for an idea. He stood for small government conservatism. I think all of us here know the follies of his ideas, but he stood for something. Bill Clinton stood for getting re-elected. His rapid swing to the right after the 1994 midterm debacles secured him re-election, but it provided the Democratic Party very little coattails as W won in 2000.
Will Obama make the same mistake? Will he run to the beat of his own drum to get re-elected, swerving and swinging right, or will he forge a liberal coalition like FDR did that dominated the Democratic Party for 3 decades? The only way to do this is to run on progressive IDEAS. Change the trajectory of American politics in a way that Bill Clinton didn't, Obama.