"Patriot" Act and the DHS to make it all a little more serious.
Around 1967, I went to NYC to an anti war march, mainly just to be there, and brought home some literature from various organizations, just out of curiosity. A few hours after I got home, a guy in a trench coat - really - showed me his FBI creds, and asked me a few questions about a guy in my building who had applied for CO status for the draft. He also looked around my place "casually" and found the pamphlets from the march. A few years later when I was in the Army I found I could not get a security clearance above Confidential because I had an FBI file.
I seem to remember that I got a copy of it many years later, and it was mostly blacked out. I'd be amused to see it again, but don't care enough about it to go through whatever motions to get it.
I wonder how many millions of dollars was totally wasted on stupid thit like this over the years, and how much more is being wasted now.
We all have much better things to do.