At 49 and soon 50, I got curious to see what was the exiting US Senate repartition in age. The point is simple: where I was a US Senator, 7 senators would be younger than I am, and 25 would be older than my mother.
Now, I am not an old woman, but I am not a young chicken either, and, while I am still in contact with what young families with children need, I am not sure I would still be in 10 years, and even less in 20.
I find just very bothering that the repartition is so skewed (remember that you have to be 30 to be a US Senator and that the youngest is currently Sununu at 44).
I was wondering if efforts were made to get younger people in the Senate, so that some new blood and new ideas could fill the aisle of the Senate. I know the idea is controversial, but I think some kind of term limit (4 terms would be 24 years, for example), would avoid that we have senators unable to do their tasks properly, and that good senators leave the US Senate prematurely because they do not see any way to go up the ladder and take more responsibility. senator over 90: Byrd
6 Senators over 80
25 senators over 70
45 senators over 65
7 senators under 50
0 senator under 40