We need to get at what we can, like these e-mails, ASAFP. Pat Leahy said, even then, a lot has been left out of them in the form of redactions.
The Worst stuff, they're not telling us about. Smirk, Sneer and Turd Blossom evidently didn't want We the People to know about.
Congress, please ask Patrick Fitzgerald what that is. Perhaps you all can follow up on what you learn while hearing Rove and Harriet Miers under oath.
But remember, whatever is in the emails is NOT the worst of it. Bush does all his dirty dealin' mouth-to-mouth. Monkey doesn't use e-mail. And we know the cheerleader can't write.
Talking is what he knows how to do. And backrubs. It the right way for spies, crooks and criminals to communicate. The spoken word and body language don't leave a paper trail.
No incriminating documents is an important aspect of the main thing Dim Son learned from Poppy: Plausible Deniability.
I heard on NPR that Gonzales doesn't use e-mail, as well. Pendejito caught on fast. He doesn't want to leave an evidentiary trail, either.
So, at present, we can only get to the papers by prosecuting who we can for what we can. That means more ammo for Patrick Fitzgerald or his honest colleagues in the Justice Department.
That also means gathering up the cronies and henchmen. Prosecute their arses, like Libby and Abramoff and Cunningham and De Lay. Then move up -- or should it be "down" -- the food chain toward the bottom dwelling Sneer and Smirk.
I wonder if that is why the White House just-us department gave Fitzgerald a "No Recommendation" rating when evaluating the 93 United States Attorneys. It's ironic as he was under investigation at the time, but it seems Rove wanted to make Fitzgerald USA firing #9?
The reason? Treason.

Documents Show Fitzgerald On U.S. Attorney 'Not Distinguished' ListPOSTED: 3:40 pm CDT March 20, 2007
UPDATED: 4:21 pm CDT March 20, 2007
CHICAGO -- U.S. Justice Department documents released this week show Chicago federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was on the list of U.S. attorneys considered for dismissal.
Fitzgerald is the U.S. attorney for the northern district of Illinois. A March 2005 e-mail described Fizgerald in the "not distinguished" category.
The document was written by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff, Kyle Sampson.
Fitzgerald was included among prosecutors doing an inadequate job with ther communities.
However, the 9-11 Commission called Fitzgerald one of the world's best terrorism prosecutors.
http://www.nbc5.com/politics/11309297/detail.html Bush and his warmongering crew lied America into war.
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald Rated 'Mediocre'
Fitzgerald Has Gone After Terrorists, Republicans And Democrats Alike Jay Levine
(CBS) CHICAGO Documents released this week show Chicago's U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is on the "not distinguished" list.
That means the Attorney General's office considered him a candidate for dismissal. But as CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin believes Fitzgerald should have a much brighter future.
"Patrick Fitzgerald has done a great job as U.S. Attorney. I know he's controversial for some of his decisions but I never believed they were political in nature," Durbin said.
He is known as a hard-as-nails prosecutor who goes after foreign terrorists, Republican governors, Democratic machine politicians, and Washington insiders with equal vigor.
Yet the Bush Administration's evaluation of his record was mediocre.
"It tells you when it came to evaluating U.S. Attorneys in the White House, it had a lot more to do with politics than with their prosecutorial talents," Durbin said.
"We will not go along to a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants," Bush said.
When and if Democrats do get to question administration officials, you can bet that among the first questions will be "Who judged Fitzgerald mediocre, and why?"
http://cbs2chicago.com/local/local_story_079221842.html What else have they lied to us about?

The guy I'd ask is Patrick Fitzgerald.
He sure would make a great Attorney General.