Men who live in their parents basement and masturbate to barbie dolls dressed up like Ann Coulter while anally stimulating themselves with a .44 Magnum's barrel!
Men who feign wealth as it truly is the only measure of one's importance in society!
Men who support the troops by putting a magnetic ribbon below their "Osama/Obama" bumper sticker and just above their truck balls!
Men who know that the only real marriage is one between a man and a woman...if only women would get past the stale reek of Vaseline and Doritos so they could get married!!!
Men who know that blind nationalism dressed up like patriotism will solve any problems. Keep chanting "USA! USA! USA!" until those problems "Go Away! Go Away! Go Away!"
Men who understand that the size of a flag pin is directly correlated to a politician's loyalty to the flag!!!
Men who feel the urge to never pay taxes because they can run everything around them by themselves!
Men who get their opinions from "patriots" who get paid 20 million a year to give idiots their opinion!
Men who support the troops but would never enlist!
Men who secretly know that Obama is planning not to take their guns...but their BULLETS!!!
Men who take pride in knowing that driving (let alone owning) a Prius may make them catch the dreaded "gay".
Men who belong to the modern version of this club:

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