to get rid of the free loaders out of the system. Remember these are the same people that think they pulled themselves up by their own boot straps, are the only hard workers and regardless of how many co-workers around them get layed off they won't get layed off besides if they do they always will be able to survive because they made plans for the future, so they can get by until the new job starts.
Luck was something they made for themselves so they will never experience joblessness. It's amusing to see just how deep nit wits thinking is, they will never get sick, never have an accident and most importantly they won't age until they are ready to retire on the sun warmed beaches of some far off land, like Arizona or Florida, where they spend their golden years playing golf.
Whats even weirder is every plan they say they have is based on todays market prices, without a thought about how prices change day to day as well as the value of their dollar going down, if they do think about the dollar falling, they buy gold because everyone knows gold never decreases in value.
They often brag about their big homes, cars and toys yet when others have lost everything it was because of them over extending their credit, the nit wit claims they bought it all with cash. Joe the plumber is a prime example of the nit wit, he has very little he owns, survives day by day, yet because he works hard when he does work, in the near future he will be a big shot mover and shaker.
The nit wit has a very bad habit of finding others to look down on so the nit wit doesn't really have to look at the reality of their lives because at least they aren't doing as bad as the person they see as a loser. Look around at the people on DU, time after time those who are doing ok right now aren't lording that over those who aren't, they realize that they could be facing those same problems in the near future.