I did some internet research on travelgate tonight. Primarily I wanted to find out if Republicans issued subpoenas for White House officials then. I have not found that yet, but I found this article by Joe Conason which was news to me.
http://archives.cjr.org/year/96/2/travelgate.aspReading that, it seems as if that incident was the beginning of the Press Corps war on Clinton, which morphed into the war on Gore which was a major factor in putting Bush into the White House (see www.thedailyhowler.com)
"Resentful of the ham-handed dismissal of people they knew and liked, many Washington journalists have seemed blind to elements of the story that cut against their bias -- and blind to that bias as well.
Last fall, at the trial of former travel office director Billy Dale on federal embezzlement charges, a parade of White House journalists volunteered to serve as character witnesses and several of them, including Sam Donaldson of ABC and Jack Nelson of the Los Angeles Times, eventually testified."
This site summarizes the events and links to documents.
http://www.netmagic.net/~franklin/TG1.htmlIt says the Republican Congress deposed 70 people in their investigation.