and away from these CIA skulduggery plots and wars. That learning curve culminated in JFK's magnificent speech on world peace to the United Nations and his signing of the first nuclear non-proliferation treaty. With RFK, it ended with his taking up the cause of ending the Vietnam War, in his 1968 presidential campaign.
I think we are seeing serious disinformation--including planted disinformation--that has led these researchers astray.
This is especially non-credible to me:
"The first was JFK's Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, who revealed that JFK was close to staging a coup and invasion of Cuba at the time of his death--but (unlike the Bay of Pigs fiasco) this plan was so secret that even Rusk was only told about it after JFK's death."
Yup, after his death, and thus his inability to contradict it. Dean Rusk was a warmonger. He would have had good reason to slander JFK.
Another incredulity:
"The mob leaders used parts of the secret plan to kill JFK in a way that forced Robert Kennedy, LBJ, and other key officials to cover-up much information, to prevent another confrontation with the Soviets, just a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
"The new information includes the confessions of all three Mafia bosses, and some of their associates."
We're supposed to believe confessions of Mafia bosses? Same problem. Non-credible sources--for a plot that just doesn't make any sense, given JFK's and RFK's evolving outlook on our own government and world affairs (evolving toward peace and justice).
I'm not familiar with this evidence, nor how they have analyzed it. This is the first I've heard of their theory. But it strikes me very strongly as intuitively wrong. And I suspect that aspects of the plots to assassinate these two progressive leaders, within five years of each other, along with Martin Luther King (within three months of RFK's murder), and the subsequent lying, cover-ups and disinformation, have led them down wrong alleys, to wrong conclusions. I would hate to think that Thom Hartman would do this--mislead people--knowingly (in a continued cover-up of some kind). That would be hard to believe. But I can see any researcher just getting too involved in his and his co-workers' blindered view, to not grasp that they have been misdirected.
It seems quite obvious to me that both RFK's and MLK's assassinations were related to the Vietnam War and the massive war profiteering that it engendered. And, looking back at JFK's growth as a leader, over his shortened term in office, and what happened almost immediately after his death--the dramatic escalation of the war in Vietnam--I think his death was also related to that war. RFK had taken up the banner of the anti-war movement. MLK, against all advice, followed his heart, and stirred up a raft of shit, with his magnificent speech against the war at the Riverside Church in New York. He was told to stick to civil rights. He would not. The LBJ-Humphrey faction of the Democratic Party were thickly engaged in the slaughter of the first million people in Southeast Asia. RFK turned against them. He "got religion," so to speak. He also became an advocate for the poor in Latin America. Our war profiteers had big plans for more lucrative slaughter in Vietnam, and horrendous wars in Latin America as well. And I think what RFK was doing in championing a more peaceful and socially just path for the U.S. was picking up from where his brother was heading in his third year in office, when he was cut down. JFK wasn't fully out of the "Cold War" mentality yet, but that's where he was heading.
Bang-bang, shoot-shoot.
It's pretty clear that organized crime, and the anti-Castro Cubans (the Miami mafia), were involved in JFK's assassination. But it is not at all clear that they planned and executed it, and much more likely that they were being used in various ways by more powerful actors (much like the Watergate burglars were used). But this certainly could lead to false turns in the maze of misdirection. Deep Throat gave the best all-time advice: "Follow the money." Who profited? And, I would add, who profited the most?
If RFK had been elected in 1968 (and it's likely that he would have been), THINK of the billions and billions of dollars that would have been lost to the war profiteers, to the gain of social programs, as he de-escalated and ended that horrendous stupid fucking war. It's comparable to thinking of, what if Howard Dean or John Kerry had won the 2004 election? (Kerry did, actually--but didn't take office.) A leader with a mandate to end a gigantic war profiteer boondoggle was not to be tolerated. Today they have Diebold and ES&S. Back then they used assassins' bullets. Hitler used "brownshirts" beating up voters and stuffing ballot boxes. It's all the same story. There is fabulous profit to be made in war--profit beyond the wildest dreams of any mere mafia (unless it's the Bush Cartel--dirty scheming, conscienceless criminals, on a mind-boggling scale).
I think the story sketched in this OP is a backwards story. RFK didn't go after his brother's killers (or hadn't yet, anyway--when he himself was killed), therefore his reason must have been something that he would agree to cover up. But, given the baffling mysteries surrounding his death, you have to wonder if the threat of his investigating his brother's death (especially if he was elected president) wasn't an added motive for assassinating him. I think the first and most obvious motive was the war, which was to continue for seven more terrible, terrible years, at the cost of another million lives. And for what? It wasn't even for oil. Heroin, maybe. I don't know. But basically utterly senseless, unconscionable killing--with only one purpose that I can see: re-creating, consolidating and improving the WW II war machine for future uses. The public reaction against it is a measure of its insanity. It took the warmongers thirty years to get the US back into a major war, and, even then, in Feb 2003, just before the invasion of Iraq, nearly 60% of the American people opposed it (all polls).
I'm as certain as I can be that Bobby Kennedy would not have allowed that to continue, and that, if his brother had lived, he would have stopped it in his second term if not before. I've seen evidence of some executive orders that JFK issued withdrawing US military 'advisers' from Vietnam, shortly before he was killed. LBJ immediately rescinded those orders, and, eleven months later, we were in a full scale war. I think both JFK and RFK ran afoul of the CIA and the war profiteers (including the Bush Cartel) on this issue (and possibly others). JFK's term was truncated, and a second Kennedy term, with RFK, was prevented. And MLK, a great moral force against the war, was also eliminated--all for the same reason, by the same people. Everything else--the details of their murders--is misdirection.
When you think of what happened back then--losing all three within five years time, in the leadup to and prosecution of the first half of the war--you can't help but see that their deaths are related and require a bigger cause than some mafia bosses' grudge. These deaths were designed by people with extraordinary powers to cover them up. All three are mysteries, to this day. And in one fell swoop, the progressive movement in this country was dealt a death blow. It never recovered. The American people certainly remembered "the lessons of Vietnam" in Feb 2003, but, by then, we were helpless to prevent it. Was that also one of the motives?