can just see, in your mind's eye, the smoke coming from Keyes' & Novak's ears.
Bill Press was very formidable that day..
It's about how Clinton was "the first black president", and why they did not hate him after the "scandal"..
Alan Keyes on CNN's Crossfire
September 29, 1998
Bob Novak: Welcome back to Crossfire. A constant in President Clinton's crisis is the support, affection and loyalty for him from African-Americans. We're talking to Bob Johnson, Chairman and CEO of Black Entertainment Television, and to Alan Keyes, radio talk show host and former Republican presidential candidate. Bill?
Bill Press: Alan, I was impressed with your passionate denunciation of what you called Bill Clinton's depraved behavior. I would assume you share equal outrage and are ready to express equal outrage for Dan Burton and Helen Chenowith and Henry Hyde as members of Congress?
Dr. Keyes: I don't think they're at all comparable. I think, in point of fact, the abuse of the American people, of their trust and confidence represented by Bill Clinton's systematic, lying manipulation of the public--his continued effort to assault America's conscience in a systematic fashion for the sake of two things, his lust and passion, and his power. These things are reprehensible, and they actually are an assault on the fundamental requirements of integrity in our public life that go all the way back to the Founders and everything they said was required in public office.
Bill Press: In other words, you confirm what I heard a talk show host in San Francisco say the other night, that when Democrats do it it's an impeachable offense, when Republicans do it it's a youthful indiscretion. Isn't that a double standard?
Dr. Keyes: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if you want to get into all the details, there was in those respects--nobody's gonna excuse the immorality of adultery and affairs, and so forth and so on. But when you have a President of the United States in violation of his Oath of Office, systematically--he takes an oath. Let me remember, he takes an oath . . .
Bill Press: (interrupting) He takes an Oath of Office not to cheat on his wife?
Dr. Keyes: . . . he takes an Oath of Office faithfully to execute the laws, and then he commits perjury, which is a direct assault on the whole process of law. He takes an oath of office that requires that the people of this country have trust and confidence in his moral judgment. And let's remember who he is--he's not the President of a widget factory, he's a man who will make life-or-Death decisions about people in the armed forces and around the world.
Bill Press: And so members of Congress can cheat on their wives and nobody cares, and Alan Keyes says, "Good for them."
Dr. Keyes: The problem is you've tried to make this about sex, you and your Democrat buddies . . .
Bill Press: You have!
Dr. Keyes: I'm sorry, this is about the lack of integrity, just as they said about Kelly Flynn.
Bill Press: Read the report.