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Another 14,000 job cuts

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OhioChick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 10:51 AM
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Another 14,000 job cuts
Sony, Wyndham, Novellus and Danaher are the latest companies to add to the dismal employment picture.

December 9, 2008: 10:04 AM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The job toll continued Tuesday morning, as four major companies - Sony Corp., Danaher Corp., Wyndham Worldwide and Novellus Systems - announced cuts totaling more than 14,000 positions.

Sony, Danaher and Wyndham announced job cuts totaling 13,700 positions. Novellus said it was cutting 10% of its global work force without specifying a number of employees, but the company had a headcount of 3,678 staffers on Dec. 12, 2007.

Sony (SNE), based in Tokyo, on Tuesday announced the most sweeping job-cutting plan of the three companies. Sony said it planned to "reduce headcount" in its electronics business by 8,000 jobs by March 30, 2010. The cuts will be implemented worldwide, the company said, from a total workforce of 160,000, according to a Sept. 30 headcount.

Sony, which produces a wide variety of consumer electronics, blamed "the acute downturn in the economic climate" for the job cuts. The company also said it was reducing its seasonal and temporary staff.

The Wyndham Hotel Group (WYN), based in Parsippany, N.J.., said late Monday it would "eliminate" about 4,000 positions through the first quarter of 2009. Wyndham's hotels include Ramada, Days Inn and Super 8 chains.

Danaher Corp (DHR, Fortune 500)., a manufacturer based in Washington, said late Monday that it was "eliminating" about 1,700 jobs and 13 facilities in the fourth quarter, to save about $100 million in 2009. The company blamed the "current economic backdrop."

Danaher makes tools, sensors and medical equipment.

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4_TN_TITANS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 12:18 PM
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1. This country is literally hemorraging jobs...
I'm wondering if we'll be able to make to Jan 20th.
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wartrace Donating Member (920 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 12:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Jan 20th means nothing regarding job cuts.
We are entering a depression like it or not. There will be no way for government to replace the jobs lost & jobs yet to be lost. As much as I would like to think President Obama can turn it around it is a global economic meltdown too big to be influenced by any government.
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