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Reid Says Senate Will Act First on Auto Bailout as Republicans Criticize Draft Plan

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 12:34 PM
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Reid Says Senate Will Act First on Auto Bailout as Republicans Criticize Draft Plan
Reid Says Senate Will Act First on Auto Bailout as Republicans Criticize Draft Plan
By Joseph J. Schatz and Alan K. Ota, CQ Staff

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would likely bring a yet-unfinished $15 billion auto industry bailout package to the floor Tuesday or Wednesday, ahead of the House, but his Republican counterpart immediately raised strong concerns about the emerging proposal.

Democratic negotiators sent a revised draft to the White House late Monday, and Reid said there are only two remaining sticking points, which will likely be resolved within hours.

Reid brought three House-passed tax bills (HR 7005, HR 7006 and HR 7060) to the floor to serve as placeholders for the auto legislation. “I think it would be to everyone’s advantage that we move first,” the Nevada Democrat said.

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