While this guy admires David Gregory, -yuk- he is all for David Shuster taking over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
This is dated Monday 12/8/08
And what's to become of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? I'm watching David Shuster on the show right now, and he's doing a fine job. Indeed, though he had at least one misspeak in the two years we have just concluded of election coverage - regarding Chelsea Clinton's campaigning for Hillary - that wasn't the end of the world, and Shuster came back to do consistently excellent, top-notch reporting and hosting (of regular afternoon programs, and subbing for evening programs, like 1600). Shuster has shown himself tough, able to ask big politicians incisive questions, and do this with style and humor.
I don't know who else MSNBC is considering, but I say, give Shuster a shot at 1600 Pennsylvania MSNBC job.
One of the comments on this article:
I'm totally against the David Gregory promotion to Meet The Press. He was a cheerleader for the Iraq War, curries favor with right wing politicians instead of holding their feet to the fire and plays the Washington cocktail circuit. He danced and pranced with Karl Rove onstage at the Washington Correspondents dinner when he should have been asking him why he outed one of our own CIA agents. I was hoping that Chuck Todd would get this assignment but they gave it to Gregory. How disappointing.