Evangelist Arthur Blessitt, wants to put a cross in space, orbiting the earth, and needs your help.
After launch we can tell you on our site when it will be over you and your nation. We have carried the cross in Every nation. Now we will, God willing have it flying above Every nation! We wave the cross in the face of Satan and proclaim that Jesus is Lord over All the Earth. All glory to God.The earth is already surrounded by an extensive debris field consisting of "...spent booster stages, nuts and bolts from ISS construction, various accidental discards such as spacesuit gloves and cameras, and fragments from exploded spacecraft..."
Do we need more junk in space? I know I shouldn't call the cross junk, but c'mon - if you won't be able to see it from earth, if it's really just about the idea of a cross orbiting around the earth, then send up a really tiny one, or better yet, send up the idea of one with your mind, See, I just sent one!