I love it when stories come up that have language at the heart of them.. "Newsies" fall all over themelves, trying to "say" the words..without actually having to say them :rofl:
The "(insert for favorite letter here)-word..
using ** instead of the letters
"bleep" "expletive deleted"
All give MORE "power" to the word, because it not only shows the crassness of the one being quoted, but it adds an extra layer of taboo..and danger..
Adult humans, being sentient creatures, "know what you mean"..and then have to turn to the kiddies and try to explain what "bleep" is :rofl:
We can always count on tV to "educate" the young'uns.. I can still remember a day in Safeway, when my young son announced that we needed santitary napkins...not the regular ones in the package..because we were using them around food.. Thanks tv