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Ugh.....Another repugnant Georgia Republican opens his mouth.....

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 08:42 PM
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Ugh.....Another repugnant Georgia Republican opens his mouth.....
Edited on Tue Dec-09-08 08:43 PM by marmar
.....WTF? Repugs suck in general, but Georgia produces an extra-vile species of them....What's in the water down there?

Naturally, one of the few "news" services that gives him a sounding board is the American Family Assn's OneNewsNow:

$15 billion auto bailout benefits union instead
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 12/9/2008 7:15:00 AM

A conservative congressman says the auto industry bailout being proposed on Capitol Hill is not about bailing out Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors -- but about bailing out the United Auto Workers in Michigan.

Democrats are hoping to bring a $15 billion auto bailout plan up for a vote in Congress this week. Both sides worked into Monday evening, negotiating details of the rescue package with the White House. According to an Associated Press report, the bill would rush short-term loans to the automakers through a plan that requires that the industry "reinvent" itself to survive -- and pay back the government if it does not.

Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) strongly opposes the plan, which he calls a union bailout.

"What GM, Ford, and Chrysler need to do is they need to open plants here in the South," the lawmaker suggests. "They have several that they've closed. They can reopen those or build other plants, and go back to work in building cars that the American public will buy."

The Georgia Republican implies that the presence of unions at the current plants is part of the problem. "(The car manufacturers) can do it without having all the union bosses telling them how to pay people and how to deal with their employees -- and they would be bailed out just by doing good business principles," he states.

Broun notes multiple carmakers throughout the Southeast such as Toyota, Kia, and even high-end manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes are doing just fine without a bailout.

AP says the plan that is being developed, in addition to requiring oversight by a "car czar," would draw money from an existing, approved program meant to help the automakers retool their factories to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles. (if Rick-rolled, the story's in the onenewsnow area of )

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izquierdista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 08:51 PM
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1. He's got a big stake in this
The nation's two largest golf cart manufacturers are in his district. Expect him to fight vigorously to protect their right to produce crosswalk legal vehicles with minimum wage workers.
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SmileyRose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 08:54 PM
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2. He wants Ford to re-open the Atlanta assembly plant? Has he had a look at it lately?
That thing is about 3/4 hauled off already. Nobody is ever going to build cars in there again.

Paul is obviously not based in reality.
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Idealism Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 08:58 PM
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3. All those companies he named (foreign makers) get government subsidies for building cars
Makes a differance when their governments are actively behind them, as opposed to our government. It took the Congress this long to approve money going to the Big Three for green car research, and they still wouldn't have received any money until next year, barring this crisis. Toyota and Honda have been getting government money since they were converted into car manufacturers, with both receiving additional government money when they build and sell a "green" car (hybrid, fuel-cell).
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 09:03 PM
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4. Long past time to start cutting the deep south states off of the federal teat
and directing funds toward more rational regions of the country.

Seriously. If southern Republicans want low wages and corporate exploitation, crappy schools and poor health care, etc.,- let them have it.
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