I. Yet Another Democratic Governor Accused of Soliciting Bribes for a Political Appointment---Now, Where Have I Heard That One Before? Illinois’s Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich is so corrupt that the Bush DOJ has had to investigate him for three solid years to finally come up with something to pin on him. His crime---he reportedly solicited bribes in exchange for a Senate appointment. This accusation from the same Injustice Department that swore that ex Alabama Governor Don Siegelman deserved to rot in jail, because he solicited bribes in exchange for a committee appointment. When the original federal indictment was filed, people at DU declared that Siegelman was “corrupt” and he had it coming.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x586874That is because whenever the current DOJ indicts an enemy of the Bush State, the MSM portrays them as
guilty until proven innocent.
I will not rehash the Siegelman case. We all know the truth now. However, once railroaded, it takes years and endless appeals to undo the harm the a few days of biased media coverage and a bunch of good little sheep Democrats can do.
Oh my! they exclaim, as one.
He is bad enough to be a Republican! The party is better off without him! When was the last time I heard that one? Oh yes, last spring, when federal prosecutors in New York
lied and claimed that Eliot Spitzer used public funds to pay a prostitute (he did not) and that they were contemplating Mann Act charges (they were not) in order to keep him silent about the real cause of the mortgage meltdown—which he had described in a Valentine’s Day Washington Post editorial. Details in my old journal here.
http://journals.democraticunderground.com/McCamy%20Taylor/324Do I need to remind people at DU of the way that they bought the fed’s case against Spitzer, every silly detail? Though everyone knows that his father is a billionaire, the part about using public funds to pay for a call girl became accepted as gospel truth. Though no one is ever prosecuted on Mann Act charges anymore, people were counting up the years he would spend in federal prison. Because people did not like his style or his decisions in office, they were glad to see him targeted by the DOJ.
Guys, I realize that progressives have an anti-authority streak a mile wide. I have always assumed that was why the folks in California got rid of Davis and replaced him with Gov. Arnold---the man Ken Lay hand picked to represent Enron in the state it was price gouging. But if you are willing to toss your own Democratic elected officials into the bonfires of anarchy with such glee just to prove that the people are more powerful than their elected officials, all that you will be left with is the Tom Delays and David Vitters of this world, because they are the ones who will fight tooth and nail to stay in power despite their many crimes---and their base will keep voting them back into office.
No doubt some of these people who demanded Spitzer's immediate resignation--and withdrawal from public life despite his important message about the coming mortgage crisis---were trolls. But many more were DU regulars, who were all too ready to believe anything that they saw on TV or read in the newspaper----
or heard from the lips of one of the goons that works for the Bush-Cheney Department of Injustice. The same DOJ that ok’s torture and rubber stamps Voting Rights Act violating state legislation and never bothered to investigate what went down in Ohio 2004. Sure, Don Siegelman was railroaded, but Eliot Spitzer was
really guilty of misuse of public funds. Chris Matthews said so.
Much has been made today of the identity of the federal prosecutor, as if Scooter Libby's guilt and Cheney's low approval ratings make the case against Gov. Blagojevich air tight. For many Democrats, the one shining star among the Bible College graduates at the Bush DOJ has been the pit bull, Patrick Fitzgerald. He does not tolerate criminal activity from anyone. He always gets his man.
How fortunate for the nation’s Republicans that his district is in the middle of Democratic territory. Model of virtue federal prosecutor Fitz described the crime of which the Illinois Governor has already been tried and convicted in the press as involving a “’staggering’ level of corruption”, according to Republican billionaire Sam Zell’s now bankrupt Chicago Tribune.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-blagojevich,0,2326073.storyIt is a good thing that Fitz has not been investigating criminal activity among the elected officials in Texas. What has been going on down here for the last eight years under Governor Rick Perry (R) would blow his mind. However, I do not think that Bush or Cheney would ever appoint someone like Fitz to oversee Republicans in Texas. The DOJ in Texas has a different job. Rather than stamping out crimes, those good ol' boys are entrusted with the task of covering them up.
II. Gov. Rick Perry (R) Accessory to Child Sexual Abuse in Texas, Where is the Federal Prosecution?The Texas Youth Commission story is an extremely sordid one. Two high ranking officials at a facility for adolescents had been sexually abusing children for several years from 2002 to 2005. Complaints about their behavior to Austin had been ignored or covered up, until finally the Texas Rangers got involved and decided that there was enough evidence to prosecute. The two were fired. The case was handed to a local prosecutor, but then it was moved to the jurisdiction of a Bush DOJ federal prosecutor, who did nothing with it for a while before sending it back to the local prosecutor a year later. Meanwhile, one of the defendants had gotten another job supervising children. During all this time, every effort was made to keep a tight lid on the story to avoid embarrassing the Republican administration of Gov. Rick Perry in Austin. Perry was due to run for re-election in 2006, and he faced a challenge from the right this time.
http://www.texasobserver.org/article.php?aid=2428In an article entitled “Texas Youth Commission: Why Did It Take Perry So Long To Act?” the author writes
Texas Governor Rick Perry, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, and Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick all knew about the acts of sexual violence being perpetrated on youthful offenders at the Texas Youth Commission as early as last fall.
But none bothered to act until this week.
“This week” was after the 2006 elections, in which Perry won, just barely.
Perry spokesman Ted Royer said the governor, the lieutenant governor and speaker were notified of the original investigation in 2005, but he said the results were given only to TYC.
If the results were only given to TYC but Perry, Craddick and Dewhurst knew about it, then why didn’t they do something? Perry could have directed the TYC governing board to conduct an inquiry. Any one of them could have established a Joint Select Committee of the Legislature to look into it. Any one of them could have picked up the phone and called the head of TYC and asked, “What the hell is going on down there?”
I can see Perry not being notified if, say, someone over at the Texas Building & Procurement Commission misplaced a case of paper clips, but the staff not notifying the governor (if that is the case) that there are allegations of sex abuse in a youth correctional facility is a dereliction of duty to the taxpayers of Texas, the children confined therein, and the justice system for it not to have been reported to the governor.
If, however, his staff reported it to Perry and he personally did nothing, then the fault lies with Governor Perry.
In an administration full of scandals and mini-scandals, this will stand out as one of the worst. Forget that he handed the Texas Legislature to Tom DeLay for half of 2003. Forget that he basically gave a utility company carte blanche to pollute Texas skies for generations to come. He stood by while children were sexually abused.
That these are incarcerated children doesn’t make it any better. The reason for the Texas Youth Commission is, primarily, to rehabilitate offenders—not send them out in to the world in a worse state than when they came in.
Once again, the Republican Administration has failed Texas.
http://capitolannex.com/2007/03/03/texas-youth-commission-why-did-it-take-perry-two-years-to-act/Here is more info about how the federal prosecutors went from taking an interest in the case to deciding that there was no case and dumping it back in the lap of the local prosecutor after stalling.
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=54861 In the Texas Youth Commission scandal, Texas Ranger official Burzynski received a July 28, 2005, letter from Bill Baumann, assistant U.S. attorney in Sutton's office, declining prosecution on the argument that under 18 U.S.C. Section 242, the government would have to demonstrate that the boys subjected to sexual abuse sustained "bodily injury." Baumann wrote that, "As you know, our interviews of the victims revealed that none sustained 'bodily injury.'"
The prosecutors at the DOJ decided that since the children did not sustain lasting injuries and since they did not resist, it did not count as rape. And never mind that the two defendants on the case had absolute power over when the youths could be released from the facility. There was no coercion involved---according to the Bush DOJ. Which meant that their civil rights were not violated.
How did the feds come to this conclusion?
"The U.S. attorney's office in Texas actually prepared indictments in this case," Angle told WND. "But when the word came from Washington, that's when Baumann wrote his letter declining prosecution. Sutton's office dropped the matter on the desk of the local district attorney, but nobody from Sutton's office said 'if you can’t go on this case, we'll help you out.'"
"If you read the letters from Sutton's office or from DOJ, it's really amazing what abuse they describe and then downplay as not being serious," Angle explained. "They describe systematic and widespread abuse of juveniles who were held in these facilities by the people who were administering these facilities, and they acknowledge this fully, yet they determine that the evidence is not sufficient to warrant federal prosecution."
"The letters justify not pursuing these cases because, number one, there is no evidence that any of these juveniles felt physical pain while they were being assaulted, and the letters use the word 'assaulted,'" he said. "And then also, they rejected prosecution because none of these juveniles stated in the investigations that they resisted and objected, which of course the facts of the report show to be the case. This case developed right in the middle of Governor Perry's 2006 re-election campaign. While Texas is a Republican state, and the Republicans expected to win, still at that time, Governor Perry was facing an election challenge from Carole Strayhorn, a third party candidate who was also a former Republican comptroller in Texas."
He continued: "I would speculate that the political powers in Texas and Washington in the Republican Party were not interested in this sex scandal coming to light. Sutton and Gonzales let their political responsibilities outstrip their legal responsibilities, and as a result you had children who were in danger of sexual abuse and were left in that danger."
I hope you are getting all this. While Fitz was up in Chicago, spending three years investigating a Democratic governor, and while the FBI spent years investigating every single Black (Democratic ) politician in the Dallas, Texas city government, the Bush DOJ was covering-up child sexual abuse that had been committed in a Texas State institution by high ranking officials
in order to help the re-election chances of the Republican governor . That same Republican governor did not send his own state Attorney General (a Republican) in to assist the local prosecutor to see that justice was done. Instead. he made sure to keep the whole thing as quiet as possible. Never mind that it meant that the two perps were free to carry on with their favorite activities. As long as he could run for re-election as a family values man that was all that mattered.
Fitz's "staggering" level of corruption just makes me laugh. When he indicts someone for condoning and covering up a pedophile ring being operated at a state youth facility because it is politically expedient, then I will believe that he has uncovered a "staggering" level of corruption. What I see right now is the start of Whitewater II. The Illinois Governor will be encouraged to name names----anyone. It does not have to be Obama. The person he names will be asked to name someone else. Soon Illinois will be the Arkansas of the 21st Century. Republicans will go on and on about how corrupt Chicago and Illinois are. They will talk about how Obama came out of a
climate of corruption (no, that isn't acid rain). Every time a new person is indicted, the TV news pundits will spend hours analyzing how that person knows Obama. They will uncover dozens of pictures of that person with Obama (no way will they do any favors like they did for Bush and Abramoff). This game will be repeated so often that eventually the Republicans will demand a Special Prosecutor to "get to the bottom" of the Illinois affair. In the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans will run on a platform of cleaning up Washington----
Anyone who can not see this, has not been paying attention.
P.S. Can anyone name for me just
one prominent Republican official who has been taken down by a case built solely on a 1) wiretap 2) FBI sting 3) other case that had to be set up by the feds as opposed to walking into a men's room and accosting some guy in public or doing some other equally dumb shit that he should have known would have gotten him in trouble? I would love to hear about how the Bush DOJ is wiretapping the phones of our GOP governors and setting up stings of our Republican Congressmen.