The really big story is today's arguments in the Siegelman case.
The unexpected focus, in questioning at the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit here, raised questions about whether Mr. Siegelman’s principal claim — that he was wrongly convicted, and for something that is not a crime — would be accepted by the judges when they issue a ruling, perhaps next year.
If the appeals court judges rule against Mr. Siegelman, he faces a return to prison to serve the remainder of his sentence of seven years and four months. The court freed him this year after he had served nine months, saying he had raised “substantial questions” in his appeal.
Mr. Siegelman, a Democrat, was convicted in a lower federal court of bribery and lesser charges for having appointed a contributor to his state lottery campaign, Richard M. Scrushy, to an Alabama hospital board. this remind you of anything?
On edit:
Lawyers for Don Siegelman -- the former Alabama governor who was convicted in 2006 on corruption chrages, despite evidence that the prosecution was politically motivated -- have made their first oral arguments in their appeal.
The Associated Press reports that the the defense lawyers are leading with a different argument, that the conviction should be overturned "partly because jurors communicated with each other during the trial."
It continues:
Siegelman attorney Sam Heldman also told the panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta that prosecutors did not prove Siegelman had a "quid pro quo" agreement to appoint
Scrushy to a hospital board in exchange for contributions to a state lottery campaign.
As we've told you before, the US Attorney in the case continued to advise prosecutors even after formally recusing herself becasue her husband is a GOP operative and Karl Rove ally.