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Reid: Blagojevich Must Go, Must Not Make Appointment

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-08 02:47 PM
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Reid: Blagojevich Must Go, Must Not Make Appointment

Sam Stein
Reid: Blagojevich Must Go, Must Not Make Appointment

December 10, 2008 02:04 PM

Senator Harry Reid is drawing a fairly bold line in the political sand in regards to the ethical missteps surrounding Rod Blagojevich.

On Wednesday, the Majority Leader and Sen. Dick Durbin drafted a letter -- which they subsequently urged their Democratic colleagues to sign -- that calls on the Illinois Governor to not just remove himself from office but to "under no circumstance" make a last-minute appointment to fill Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat.

Should Blagojevich disregard these warnings, Reid and Durbin write, the Senate would "be forced to exercise our Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 5, to determine whether such a person should be seated."

The letter, obtained by the Huffington Post, will be sent around to Democratic offices this afternoon. And it leaves very little wiggle room for potential signatories -- you either think Blagojevich should be gone or you don't.

"We write to insist that you step down as Governor of Illinois and under no circumstance make an appointment to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat," the letter reads. "In light of your arrest yesterday on alleged federal corruption charges related to that Senate seat, any appointment by you would raise serious questions."

It is also the first public indication that the Senate will take constitutional provisions to untangle any political appointment made by the embattled governor -- a legal maneuver that various scholars have said is well within the body's rights.

One additional point to make: Reid isn't simply willing for the Illinois legislature to remove Blagojevich's power to appoint an Obama replacement -- something that various Illinois politicians have called for. He is asking very specifically for the governor to step down, a move that Obama said he too favors.

Here is the complete letter.

Dear Governor Blagojevich:

We write to insist that you step down as Governor of Illinois and under no circumstance make an appointment to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat. In light of your arrest yesterday on alleged federal corruption charges related to that Senate seat, any appointment by you would raise serious questions.

It is within the authority of the Illinois legislature to remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election. But a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a new Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would earn the confidence of the people of Illinois and all Americans. We consider it imperative that a new senator be seated as soon as possible so that Illinois is fully represented in the Senate as the important work of the 111th Congress moves forward.

Please understand that should you decide to ignore the request of the Senate Democratic Caucus and make an appointment we would be forced to exercise our Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 5, to determine whether such a person should be seated.

We do not prejudge the outcome of the criminal charges against you or question your constitutional right to contest those charges. But for the good of the Senate and our nation, we implore you refrain from making an appointment to the Senate.

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onenote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-08 02:48 PM
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1. No one in their right mind would accept the appointment if it came from Blago now
I don't think the concern is that someone will be appointed, its that the seat will stay vacant until Blago is out of office.
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