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Senators Cite Security, Oppose Inauguration Week Bar Hours

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-08 04:25 PM
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Senators Cite Security, Oppose Inauguration Week Bar Hours
Senators Cite Security, Oppose Inauguration Week Bar Hours

By David Nakamura
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 10, 2008; Page B01

Two U.S. senators involved in the planning of President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration objected yesterday to the emergency law approved by the D.C. Council that will allow bars and nightclubs to stay open all night, warning that the plan could strain law enforcement resources.

In a letter to city leaders, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, and Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah), a committee member, said they are "deeply concerned" about the council's move last week to allow nightclubs, bars and restaurants to serve alcohol until 5 a.m. -- several hours longer than usual -- and remain open round-the-clock Jan. 17-21.

"The plan . . . could seriously strain law enforcement resources that need to be focused on the large crowds and security requirements of the Inaugural," the senators wrote. "There is great cause for celebration at this historic event. But we believe that the benefits of this emergency legislation, passed with little public notice, are far outweighed by its possible consequences."

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) objected to including nightclubs in the council's legislation, but he has said he will abide by the council's wishes and sign the law. However, Congress has the final say over District matters under the 1973 Home Rule Act that gave the city some self-governing authority.

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Mike Daniels Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-08 04:39 PM
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1. Given the metro will shut down at midnight on Sunday and Monday ...
Edited on Wed Dec-10-08 04:42 PM by Mike Daniels
and only run till 2 a.m. Wednesday morning (for official balls) you risk having a bunch of people getting stuck in DC with no way easy home esp. if they're staying outside of the city proper.

For those who suggest taking a cab home, the cab system in DC is a joke with the cabbies servicing the downtown/entertainment area having no qualms about refusing to take anyone to a location that doesn't guarantee another fare within minutes of dropping their current fare off. Yeah, technically you could report the cab driver but by driving off almost immediately if they don't like the requested destination the cabbies don't give you much opportunity to get their cab number or phone number.

The problem is compounded by having a number of bar areas located just a block or two away from some slightly rougher neighborhoods. Nothing says easy target like someone who's been up all night and is slightly bleary-eyed inadvertantly stepping off the safe path home (taken from personal experience).

The best thing for DC as a whole (not necessarily the restaurants) would be to revoke the extended bar hours and tell people to carry the party back to their hotels after closing time.
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