He's a nativist. I received this email from www.wecanstopthehate.org.
"Over the course of the past few weeks, a group of bloggers including Citizen Orange, Imagine 2050, Damn Mexicans and Valleywag have reported incidents of anti-immigrant action, carried out by Clarion Capitol Hedge Fund Manager and member of Facebook’s Board of Directors, Peter Thiel. According to the bloggers, Thiel recently donated $1 million to the anti-immigrant group NumbersUSA ,and one of Thiel’s closest associates and former business partner, Rob Morrow, has donated $1000 to the group. The bloggers claim that a source within Clarion Capitol leaked the news. While some sources have disputed these allegations, Thiel has refused to publicly address the issue.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) identified NumbersUSA as one of six core organizations in the anti-immigration movement. Founded by John Tanton and directed by Roy Beck, who has written extensively on environmental and financial issues, NumbersUSA is the most calculating of the anti-immigration groups, offering information on the relationship between immigration and the environment. Regardless of apparent environmental sympathies, NumbersUSA supported Federation for American Immigration Reform and the American Immigration Control Foundation—SPLC-designated hate groups—in their immigrant-bashing billboard campaign. Beck has also been the Washington, DC editor of The Social Contract, a quarterly journal that has published articles by "white nationalists" such as Samuel Francis, who was fired from the conservativeWashington Times after writing a racially inflammatory column, and James Lubinskas, a contributing editor to the racist American Renaissance magazine.
If Facebook’s Peter Thiel has donated to NumbersUSA, then his presence on the Facebook Board of Directors should be reconsidered. If Thiel has not donated to discriminatory organizations, then he and Facebook should publicly clear the record.
Here are some of the things that you can do to hold Thiel and Facebook accountable:
1. Invite Friends to the Grassroots Page on Facebook
Invite friends to the grassroots page on Facebook that was launched in response to these reports. As of December 1, 2,000 people had joined the Facebook campaign. Help spread the word. Invite all of your friends on Facebook to learn more about Thiel and to join this group.
2. Opt Out Of Facebook Advertising
Halt Facebook’s accumulation of members’ money by opting out of the Facebook social advertising scheme until Thiel comes clean about his association with NumbersUSA. You can opt out of social ads by following this set of commands: click “settings” “privacy settings” “news feed and wall”à “social ads,” and redefining your options from there.
To disable all ads, you can install an ad blocker onto your Internet browser. On Mozilla, you can use this platform to block advertising for Facebook and other applications.
3. Get More Involved
If you are interested in becoming more involved with this and other anti-hate campaigns, subscribe to the We Can Stop The Hate action list. To read more about the surge of hate and violence in the immigration debate, visit www.wecanstopthehate.org.
Read more about the grassroots campaign on Facebook."