More Ballots In Minnesota, As Franken Camp Ratchets Up PR Push
By Eric Kleefeld - December 11, 2008, 1:07PM
Here's still more new info suggesting that the outcome of the Al Franken race is still impossible to predict.
It's looking like there could be even more wrongly-rejected absentee ballots from across the state than anyone had guessed, potentially even 2,000 of them, based on numbers from some key counties. It's the kind of big number that could increase the pressure on the state canvassing board to rule in favor of re-admitting those votes at tomorrow's much-anticipated meeting, rather than kick it to the courts.
If those votes were counted, it would probably provide a big boost to Franken in light of pre-election polls that showed him disproportionately winning the absentees overall. So tomorrow's state canvassing board hearing, which will determine that exact question, could very well decide the race.
The Franken campaign is upping the intensity of its PR campaign going into that meeting, announcing in a briefing just now with reporters that they're supplying to the board not only written affidavits of voters whose ballots were wrongly rejected, but also a copy of that new Web video featuring emotional on-camera testimonials. The drama just never stops with this one.