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How much more will it take for reality to sink in?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
A wise Man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 10:35 AM
Original message
How much more will it take for reality to sink in?
We the people of these United States, is not a farce idea of our residents.It is a reality of who we are. When greed,lies,deceit,political party,war,oil,the voting system and "TRUTH",is the object of deception by those that are appointed to represent the people as well as those that support the representatives has become a farce.

Fact: 2000 election, proven by the news consortium that Gore would have won that election, only if they continued the vote counting. Bush was selected by the supreme court to appease the republican party.

Fact: Bush closed any records of the Reagan and Bush Sr. presidency to disallow anyone to investigate any relation to this present administration.

Fact: The chiefs of staff under Kennedy in 1962, wanted to use the same senario as 9/11 (flying planes into the same buildings "WTC" and blame it on cuba to get at CASTRO) Kenndy refuse to kill Americans to appease the chiefs of staff.

Fact: Bush and his father are and have been a strong alliance with the Saude Arabia PRINCE.

Fact: Question: What has IRAQ has to do with 9/11?
Answer: "NOTHING"!!!

Fact: After 9/11, with poll ratings lower than dirt, Bushes statement was "THANK GOD I HIT THE TRIFECTA"!!

Fact: Bush and his administration lied this country into a war for "OIL". Now we are debated whether we should stay, support the troops or get out?

Since 2000 there have been few instances weekly that this administration hasn't invoked some kind of destruction of this CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS or INJECTED their own version of the Constitution.

What does it take for AMERICA to wake up in force before we let this or these political gangsters to continue destroying our country?

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bryant69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. This might well belong in the 9/11 conspiracy ghetto
Since that's clearly a big part of your theory.

Check it out -->
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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 10:44 AM
Response to Original message
2. Not sure I understand this reference to JFK
Fact: The chiefs of staff under Kennedy in 1962, wanted to use the same senario as 9/11 (flying planes into the same buildings "WTC" and blame it on cuba to get at CASTRO) Kenndy refuse to kill Americans to appease the chiefs of staff.

The WTC buildings did not open until 1970-71. Now there was Operations Northwoods where in 1962, our Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to invade Castro's Cuba so they created a shocking plan to deliberately stage terror attacks, bomb American ships, sabotage other ships, have "friendly" Cubans invade our Guantanamo Bay base, fake a shoot-down of a civilian air liner, sinking a boatload of Cuban refugees, and a fake shoot-down of one of our fighter planes -- all to be falsely blamed on Cuba so as to justify an American invasion.

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