Senator Max Baccus, tired of the mispronunciation of the Democratic party as the “Democrat” party, yesterday referred to a minority study group as the “Republic” Committee. Makes me smile.
The Bush administration has asked Federal Courts to drop cases concerning the warrantless wire tapping program citing AT Gonzales' statement that they will go through the FISA court from now on. I'll try that with my next speeding tickek, "Well, yeah, I was doing 70 in a 55, but I'm not doing it NOW." No link, CNN broadcast.
A little from the Libby trial Thursday: Cathy Martin, a Cheney spokeswoman, testified that she, Libby and deputy national security adviser Steve Hadley wrote a statement for George Tenet to deliver in which he would take blame for the “16 words” in Bush's ’04 State of the Union address about Iraq seeking nuclear material in Africa. Tenet agreed to say the CIA "approved" the claim and "I am responsible", but that disappointed Martin who had wanted Tenet to say, "We did not express any doubt about Niger." Isn't that perjury which would make the WH guilty of suborning perjury? It would be if he were under oath and they’re too slick for that. A cia Briefer, Craig Schmall, testified that he told Cheney he was concerned for the safety of CIA assets if Valorie Plame Wilson’s identity were leaked, "Foreign intelligence services where she served now have the opportunity to investigate everyone whom she had come in contact with. They could be arrested, tortured, or killed." Ari fleischer is on tap for Monday and that should be interesting.
Jay Rockefeller (D WV), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says that VP Dick Cheney “put constant pressure” on Republic Committee leadership to stall investigations into the use of intelligence in the run up to the war. So much for all the denials and protestations about manipulating intelligence before the war started. For some disturbing news, Senator Diane Fienstien (D CA) is accused of conflict of interest concerning the awarding of military contracts while holding a minority seat on the Defense Appropriations committee. She did not recuse herself from debate on contracts worth $millions in tax dollars that her husband’s company was bidding on. If this is true she should stand right next to Dick Cheney when the war profiteering trials begin. Profiting on the backs of our soldiers and sailors who willingly put their lives on the line for us is a crime for which there is no suitable punishment. We'll just have to make do with jail and fines--that pesky “cruel and unusual” clause gets in the way of true justice. Members of the Republic party please take note; we investigate our own. Finally, for the most disturbing news I've heard in a long time there’s this: The 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain division serving in Afghanistan had it’s tour extended 120 days as most of the soldiers were packing for rotation back home. A flight carrying 150 returning soldiers was en route when the orders were announced. It actually touched down at Ft Drum, NY and was turned around. Investigate, Impeach, Imprison.