We of the middle class, as well as those less fortunate, are losing the war.
Yes, we elected some people two years ago, and some more a month ago. But the anti-American gang of Oligarchs has such a toehold, and is so intransigent, that they will probably succeed in destroying what little is left of the US Government and the US economy in the remaining days until they get evicted from their illegal occupation of the White House. And even then there is a well-entrenched insurgency in the US Senate that will continue to block any and all progressive efforts, while systematically savaging labor unions, the environment, the elderly, anything that is not to their standards of nobility*. They'll fight Obama's appointments, conduct a 24x7 smear campaigh that will make travelgate look like a picnic, block legislation, demand "compromise" that is actually "do it their way or go fuck yourself."
We serfs will be wearing sackcloth before too long. Because we are the frog in the boiling water. We failed to jump as it heated up, and now we're cooked.
I honestly believe we are looking at a need for insurrection - not violence, but the sort of thing Lech Walesa led in Poland, to stop it. And I don't see that happening. All those auto workers in the south working for Nissan, Toyota, et al aren't going to bat for their brethren in Mi, Oh, In, etc.
Life is tough - then you die.
* as in the British peerage system - dukes and earls, dontcha know.