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Let's take up a collection...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-08 03:01 AM
Original message
Let's take up a collection...
and give all the money that we have to Porky Pig Paulson and his Looney Gang of Bankers. There is no other option. Unless we surrender all the wealth in this country to this merry band of thieves, we will have no economy? Doesn't that make sense to you? Are you a moron, or what? After all, how can they give you credit if you do not give them your money??

Lest we forget, these are the brightest and most innovative thieves on the planet. Who else could come up with such a brilliant scheme as "credit default swaps"? Who else could turn a hundred thousand dollar mortgage into a million dollar mortgage? What's not to trust??

As the Congress slowly dissolves into confusion, chaos, union-busting, and partisan wrangling, the people slide more quickly into the pitchfork mode. But who cares? It's time for another raise. Only those union guys should have to take a cut in pay - never those hard-working Congressmen and Congresswomen. After all, who is more responsible for the present economic mess we find ourselves in - the Congress or the unions? Don't answer that.

Unless we give the other $350 billion dollars to Porky and his Pals, our entire system may go under? Who are we to argue? What do we know? Never mind that 3 million or more people may be unemployed because our brave and courageous Congress could not find it within themselves to loan $14 billion dollars to our auto manufacturers. Is this a great country or what?? Don't answer that either...
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LaPera Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-08 04:16 AM
Response to Original message
1. Our tax dollars....meant to benefit the very rich - Destroy & bankrupt the workers social programs
Edited on Sat Dec-13-08 04:28 AM by LaPera
and structure...But, # 1 plan, destroy unions....the only voice the workers have....Yes, that's the plan...destroy the workers, destroy workers just getting by while making themselves richer (the corporate rich)...forcing us to beg for lower paying jobs...even though it's our tax dollars they are stealing....

We have six more weeks of this republican shit...and they'll continue!

Then the real fighting will begin......
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